DR called with lab results

ok so my DR called with my lab results... shes still waiting for my u/s reports....

Total Cholesteral 174 (should be less than 200) Thats good..
Good Cholesteral 30 (should be less than 40) Thats good..
Bad Cholesteral 114 (should be 100) Ehhh Dr says thats not too bad..
Glucose 85 (should be less than 100) Thats good..
Insulin 46 (should be less than 25) Thats NOT good. (DR says Im border line prediabetic

FSH,LSH,THYROID= levels all good, with in range

Testosterone= should be 48 or lower. Im at 48... (says thats not bad, but un-normal for a woman

Papsmear= normal

I told her I have lost 13lbs in 13 days bc I cut out carbs, and she said good, when my u/s results come in then she wants to run another insulin fasting test on me...

u/s results should be in by the begining of the week...


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