I want to buy the furniture (no bedding yet) and maybe a few gender neautral outfits....should I wait? Im 11 weeks. Im waiting till 13 weeks to do any shopping.
I'm 22 weeks and just now starting to shop....its funnier when u know the gender in my opinion...cause ur buying for that child in particular....plus I didn't want to have to return items.
I'll be 12 weeks Saturday and I have bought diapers and wipes already (A LOT).. only bc I got a great deal on them and had coupons that I didn't want to expire.. I'm not buying clothes or anything until after I find out the gender.. I do have the bassinet I want picked out but I'll wait til after the baby shower for that..
@momof5 isnt 13 weeks 2nd tri.? @ghettobetty I just mainly want to get the furniture we find out what we are having in 5 weeks @Mami_Ika3 im so ready to buy things lol @MommyTo3 im definitly waiting till I know the gender to "hardcore" shop haha @octobernewbie we have some diapers from my doctor lol
Yeah it is. You'll have to forgive me. Running afte 4 boys all day and being 37 weeks with ny 5th I tend to forget who I am at times. Lol. Then shop away girl. Lol.
I'm 16 weeks and I don't have anything! I know which stroller and the type of crib I want, but that's about it. Mainly cuz um broke tho :P I say shop away!
@momof5 I understand COMPLETELY! haha I forget things so fast. @octobernewbie we get sooooo much stuff lol diaper bags full of stuff all kinda stuff @Mami_Ika3 I just took the intelligender it said GIRL! @VictoriaB haha I love shopping I have EVERYTHING picked out for both genders
we bought the crib... it was the one we wanted and it went on sale so we bought it. also got the paint, new blinds and lighting. just waiting to find out girl or boy to get bedding.
@billysgirly no crib yet but I know which one I want getting it in 2 weeks. @sarahbeara03 im waiting till I know the gender for carseat and stroller if its a girl we are getting this cute brown and pink set if its a boy a green and blue stripe set