sick while preggo :(

edited March 2011 in Health
Omg, being sick when your preggo stinks. I have never felt this bad. It's hard to breathe with congestion and being preggo anyways makes it hard to breathe when your organs start to shrink to make room for baby. My body is sore on top of My back hurting anyways. My throat hurts & I.can't sleep more then usual at night. Grrr.. not to many options to medicate yourself. I'm on sudafed and throat drops. Anyone have any ideas in how to get better? When should you see your doctor?


  • I have taken a warm to hot shower to loosen up my chest congestion, I feel like it lossens up everything and makes me relax. Make sure u stay hydrated and rest as much as u can!! I hope u feel better, good luck!!
  • I enjoy mint tea, too. Feels good on the throat, soothing, and might help a teeeny bit with congestion.
  • Thanks ladies. I ended up going to the e.r. because I've been having such a problem breathing. I have been trying the warm showers, I will try out the mint tea. I have had congestion horribly. It's so hard to tell the Dr's what's baby symptoms & what's cold symptoms. Jesse
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