2 Questions

edited March 2011 in November 2011
1. Has anyone gotten sick on Zofran? I've taken it twice now and both times it has made my stomach cramp up very bad and feel like its in a knot.
2. Does anyone else with kids feel super guilty? I have a 3yr old and I feel like the worst mom in the world cuz im sick and can't be there for him, and he drives me nuts most of the time.


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  • Never had a problem with zofran, myself. But be sure not to eat until 15 mins after. And I do feel guilty. I have 2 other kids. And I am still having m.s. 18 wks into this pregnancy. So I feel terrible. But to make it easier I turn on a movie and get some crackers and we lay on my bed so I can rest.
  • I am also on zofran and have had no problems. As for your 2nd question i have a 4y o and a 2y o and feel like a horrible mom cause i have been so sick and on and off bed rest that my hubby has been doing most of the work. So to kinda make up for it we are taking the kids to breakfast then to movie then to the park for a fun day for them! They can't wait and either can i! So i know it doesn't make is up for not really being around but this way they won't just remember mom always is sick and can't do anything with them all the time! Just an idea!
  • I have a6yo and being sick is making me feel like a bad mommy. Also feel a bit bad cause his world is being turned upside down. I'm getting remarried and we're moving away from my parents w
    here he's lived all his life. On top of that after being an only child for so long we have a new baby on the way.
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