I can already tell ima go through this pregnancy alone
Iv done everything on my own.. Iv gone to all my appointments alone my ultrasounds and everything I feel its like im being dramatic or overreacting.. A time that im suppose to be excited and happy im just miserable I cry every night anybody have advice I try and stay away but I need him and hes not available it realllly hurts ;/
I know its not the same but it is support
I can't imagine my bd not going
I know that'd not helpful either idk how u feel in sorry I probably made that worse...
how about hugs? *BIG HUG*
I don't like ladies to feel alone or depressed or hurt
I went through some stuff of my own and had no one... at all...
So being pregnant andealin with that I can't picture being alone...
We are here for you though:)
some times my bd is a meany face an doesn't help out like h should but he has been to every apt... expect one because he had tobwork
I just think of my son and how he is worth being alone for awhile...
and how eventually he can look up to me seeing I have done alot for him ALONE
Your welcome...
Lol im not married im only 16...
My bd can be good:) when he chooses too...
I really hope ur guy does too.. it is unfair to you and ur baby... how far along r u?
Maybe it hasn't felt real to him yet
Idk it just irritates me we didnt make these babies on our own.. Ya know
"you dont realize what you got til its gone"