Sleeping on the left side

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm only 14 1/2 weeks so my belly isn't too big and uncomfortable at night. My OB said I don't have to start sleeping on the left side until 24 weeks. Did any of your doctors prescribe a certain week when this would be more important? I just wonder if I should start doing it from now.


  • Um I was told that sleep how you want but left is recommended but the right side isn't bad and if u sleep on your back make sure if you start feeling light headed or weird turn onto your side.
  • Im a right side sleeper. I slept on my right side with my first also. I'm 35 weeks and my baby is fine
  • with my first baby I took everything everybody told me to I slept on my left throughout the while preg!! it sucked! but now that I kno its not something u HAVE to do I sleep however I want to with this preg..except not on my stomach. and baby is great!
  • Hmmm, I've never heard of "sleep however you want". Interesting. I don't feel anything when I'm not on my left side. I usually go to sleep that way and wake up on my back.
  • edited April 2011
    The only time was ever told to sleep on my right side was with my first when blood pressure got high and started swelling. With 2nd the doc never recommended it and I didn't have high blood pressure or nothing and wit this one the doc hasn't said anything either :) don't worry about it! Unless doc says you need to! Sleep however you are comfortable you need the rest.
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