Home Births
What is all the hype about home births? I am not trying to make people mad or upset anyone. Just trying to get insight on people's thinking. I am a paranoid person when it comes to health so I will always have my kids in the hospital. But for the mothers that want home births doesn't it bother you all the things that could go wrong? You can not always deliver a breech baby without harming the baby, shoulder dystocia needs a doctor or VERY experienced midwife, a prolapsed cord is immediate c-section to save your child, what would you do or how would you know if the baby is in distress or if the placenta pulls away from the wall?? Can't you still have a natural birth at the hospital? If you set your rules down and state your boundaries the nurses and doctors will listen and allow you to labor how you want with the safety of the hospital if you need it. I don't want to scare anyone or upset anyone just want understanding that is all.