Dilate. How can i help myself to Dilate

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I have been dilated 1cm since I was 36 weeks. I'm now 38. I went to the doctors yesterday because of pain in my pelvic area. The pain was my baby dropped more into my pelvis. How can I get my cervix to dilate more.
*sex is painful for me


  • I heard to do squats and walk around a lot
  • I've heard using a breast pump or nipple stimulation will help get contractions going...I did a lot of walking and went into labor with both of my kids
  • @kayleigh27 that's why I'm in so much pain. For walking and squatting :)...my legs are still killing me idk what else to try
  • @mommyfor3 I tried the nipple stimulation and all I did was leak :)
  • I'm havin the same issue can u believe I startin runnin up n down the stairs n jumpin jacks...lml
  • @julies_2 did anything happen? :)
  • I got tons of contractions n this mornin I believe I'm slowly losin my mucus plug...oo n leg pains. Lol
  • @julies_2 I went walking on Wednesday..it didn't start contractions but I been in bed for two days from the horrible pain in my legs and pelvis. It caused my baby to drop more
  • The waitin game sucks...lol..don't over due yaself
  • I been having contractions for a week now and only dilated 1cm in 2 days playing the waiting game as well but I used a baby/children enema and that got more contractions going
  • Wow that sucks. Get on a exercise ball and bounce on it some. My friend said that helped her
  • I just watched the news and saw where a cupcake shop in virgina sells lemon drop cupcakes and 25 prego women eat the cupcakes during the last weeks and 19 of them went in labor... I'm not sure how but try some lemon drop cupcakes
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