worst day yet..

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I was making mac and cheese and my husband ate burgers. He fussed me for not getting bigger ziplocks and i told him how am i supposed to kno the ones i got arent good enough...so he started with dont talk back to me im being disrespectful blah blah...kicks my dog in the face so i flipped. He threw my food in the garbage and i went to my room to get away...he put it in the microwave again and tried takin my phone. I told him no and i am not eatong from the garbage...we went back and forth, he said get the f out i said no..i warned him about stressin the baby he said u and the fn baby get out and whem its born i will get coustedy..then he threw our weddin pic in the fan and then hummed at me. I hid in the closet. He took my vanity wih tv and drug it and threw ot on the floor. He said ima helpi leave my house...he threw me and my dogs out....


  • run n dont come back, put father unknown on the birth certificate, stay strong, its terrible thibg 2 happen, write down exacyly what happened if he ever tries for custody take the letter u write and date 2 court I hope everything works out for you and your baby
  • O wow yoy need to leave him before someone gets hurt
  • I went to his patents...
  • Wow, he sounds like an a-hole! I would run away as fast I could and get as far as i could. That is a terrible way to treat anyone, even a dog.
  • Are you still there? I am hoping that you are out and writing this from someplace safe. If not.. Call the police and find someplace else to go. You can not live in that situation, and surely don't want your child to be there. I agree with these other ladies... RUN!
  • Yea im here..im so tense..all im worried about is my baby...
  • i hope baby is ok... i feel sick to my stomach :-S
  • What do his parents say about his behavior?? Has he been like this before? I really think you have to get out of this situation. It's just not safe... Sounds like the next time he'll be kicking you instead of the dog.
  • Oh girl!! No way! My ex husband was a controlling ahole and we had many fights like that. We had a baby girl together. It took me finding out he was cheating again and again for me to get the hell out. Now I'm married again and happy and safe and he loves me and my munchkinbut! You'll get there too! Stay safe hun!
  • I have so many feelings..love regret, mistrust...im totally scared. His dad called him and we tried to wrk it out not wrking..
  • I am so sorry... I can't tell you what decision to make, but if I were in your shoes I would walk away from him. You need to be in a healthy, safe environment. Not only do you deserve that, but your baby does too. Please try to find a safe place to go to so that you can relax and enjoy your pregnancy.
  • Have someone come and get you and your dogs. Stay at a friends house for now, where you will be comfortable and have someone to talk/cry with.
  • Unfortonatley i dont have anyone...
  • Will he leave for the night?
  • No doubtful..i was close to calling cops but i cant do cops...
  • Awe ill take you in lol. I know how hard it is to walk away because you love them and somehow we believe its gonna change
  • Lol ty very much but i think u live a little far lol
  • I was in the same situation. I had to get away. I moved far from him! Its hard everyday BC I loved him and he wants me back so bad. But I gave him too many chances. So now I'm 1000 miles away and changed my number and block all contact from him. His mom loved me but she turned out to love her son rltoo much that in the need his violence turned out to be my fault. You need to get away from his parents too... if there is any sign of them making excuses for that behavior. In the end they will always take his side!
  • Then just lock yourself in your room for the night with your dogs and try to stay safe and calm. If things start to get dangerous again, you do what you have to to protect your family, even if that means calling the cops. Its not worth losing your baby over anything.
  • Omg!! Girl call the cops!! Next thing is his either kicking u in stomach or you will harm baby wuth screaning, stress, etc.. Where do u live? How many weeks r u?
  • Run i was with a man like that and a year after we split he killed his new girl and her 2 babies! Get away now.
  • Oh shit!!!
  • Im 5wks..in st rose. Louisiana..his parents are fine..they are just as shocked..
  • im also only 20not far i can go
  • batery dying bbl
  • Lol it was worth letting you know that you have ppl
  • Stay safe hunny even if that means calling the cops when you don't want to. Put you and the baby first....I'm worried he will be hurting you next...keep us up dated so we know you are safe...
  • Get the heck away! Its so not worth it, he abviously doesn't value you or the baby. I agree you need to write this all down, date it and lock it away. If it comes down to it courts take that stuff very seriously. You may not think you need it now, but trust me, you want it just in case. And always call the cops. even if it just pisses him off, or your scared-intimidated, it gets this behavior on file. In the end it makes a huge difference. If things never get worse no harm done.. If things do get worse you have a record. Dont think about him, don't even think about yourself so much. Think about your child. I was a child of parents who faught constantly. My dad being angry and violent. My mom always being the hurt scared fearfull mom. NOT FUN! There are to many good guys out there to ever let a man treat you like that. You are worth MUCH MUCH more. If he doesn't see that go.. Trust me, you don't want a life time like this.. Neither do your kids.. You can get state funding for houseing, food, medical the whole thing. Just start it now. Don't wait till its too far.
  • Hey guys..update im not staying the night..brought my dogs..ima stay at a hotel...hopefully
  • Good!! Dont let him find out or stalk you
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