Heating pads

edited April 2011 in Health
i know everyone is going to say no no no but i only put it on my back for like 20 min then i take it off but it helps my back so much...i use to sleep with it on all night but i stoped doing that because i know its really bad for the bab


  • I don't know sweetie ask the Dr. I was thinking about asking mine...mine hurts so bad some nights!
  • edited April 2011
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  • I use one everyday my doctor said just to take it off if it gets too hot. You will know its too hot if your uncomfortable. The heating pad isn't bad for the baby, just overheating. I wouldn't stress about it, its safer than stress or taking pain meds. Hope you feel better :)
  • i use on on my hips everyday and i use it sometimes in bed bed. My hubs turns it off when he comes to bed, usually an hour or so after me. lol
    I use the heating before i take any meds...
  • edited April 2011
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  • The pain isn't like severe enough that I would take pills for it bec I hate taking pills but its just because I have used it every day in the past its so hard to resist not having it on plus our house is so cold it really warms me up but I don't put it on the highest level anymore and Iv been doing really good at limiting myself on it bec I have been so scared for the past couple weeks I was going to cause harm to my baby and I didn't want to ask because I felt like a dummy because I know your not suppose to get in hot tubs and sanus and things like that but I know those thing fully submerse your body in them and this is only on my back so I didn't know thanks so much ladies you guys have made me feel 100% better prob more thank my dr. Would of lol thanks to all
  • omg when my back hurt i slept with it and my baby was just going nuts!!! he would move and kick and kick and it was in the middle of the night, then i realized it was too hot for him or sumthing cause as soon as i took it off he went to bed with out bothering me...poor baby i was over heating him..
  • @nicksmommy Aww lol honey they just call him a bun in the oven they didn't really mean to try to bake him lol jkjk well at least u know he don't like it I'm sorry you can't use yours at least you can feel he don't like it my babys not bigg enough to feel move so id never know....ok I back to being scared now...
  • lol..hahaha thats a good one...well i would say wear it but not for too long...nor sleep with it!!
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