
edited April 2011 in Pregnant
My doc said im boarder line close 2 having diabetes, needa eat more healthy asap, any food suggestions with iron


  • meats? my son is low iron and his doc suggested lots of meats
  • When I found out I was pregnant I googled foods high in iron; and folate; I got tons of good recommendations. I can't remember the exact food but I would say google it!! Good luck; don't stress to much over it.
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  • Okay thanks my iron is low also my doc prescribed me a supplement for it
  • Pumpkin seeds never heard of that but thanks, I've gained like 20 lbs and im 26 weeks so im kinda worried
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  • @Keeleab im 26 weeks and have gained 17 and my baby is perfectly fine so i wouldnt stress your self out :)
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  • It was 137 with the glucose test and 140 was 2 much so I have 2 go back next week and take another test. I just don't wanna gain 2 much and not lose it, what is your due date
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  • July 7th which is the 3rd due date the doctor has given me lol
  • @due_in_july when is your due date
  • Avoid alot of carbs too. I am 12wks and was diabetic before I got preg. Now I get 175 carbs a day... Lots of veggies and lean meat and my blood sugar is doing great. I hope your next test goes well :)
  • I'm diabetic now was boarderline.. you need to not eat so much carbs.. carb turn into glucose... bad and could put you over he edge and mae you diabetic... don't eat potato anything!!!
    No white food...
    You can have things on the low glycimic index some r
    Yams, soudough bread basmati rice... but eat meat and fish... don't cut out fat that's not the problem the diabetic nutri told me this and sofar I've only gained 11 punds and am almost 33 weeks.. google a gestational diabetic diet and chec it out... if I would have kno things sooner I wouldn't be giving myself 5 shots a day...
  • July sixth.
  • Okay ill look that up thanks I don't wanna have any complactions wit labor if I can prevent it. That's good u only gained 11 lbs hopefully with a new diet I wont gain 2 much more. @due_in_july that's cool a day before me are u having a girl or boy
  • oh really thats cool. im having a lil girlie. you?
  • Me 2 :) , where u from
  • @keeleab I'm due july 5 with a baby girl! :-) I just did the second glucose test and just heard from my dr. I was once again borderline for gd. So my dr is treating it like I have gd. I have to go for further tests, watch my diet, and check my blood sugar regularly. I'm kinda feeling overwhelmed.
  • Yeah I feel yah hopefully we both don't cuz it gonna b a hastle
  • @keeleab It sucks and is a huge hastle, but it runs in my family so my chances are pretty high. I saw you are due july 7, we can be prego buddies lol.
  • Yeah ares are real close 2 gether
  • @babygrl7511 j/w where are u from
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