;) raspberry leaf tea as induction method

edited April 2011 in Health
So today is day 3 overdue. I've heard from many people that raspberry leaf tea is a labor inducer. I did some googling and it helps with the contractions in the uterus and also helps with pulling the uterus back to normal shape after pregnancy. The lady at the store also said it helps with menstrual crap and has tons of great vitamins for mom and baby!
Has anyone tried this tea? If so how did it work for u?


  • I have been drinking it my whole pregnancy, I'm 34wks now..
    My mother is a midwife the real "hippy" type... but she says it also helps for a strong uterus, my sister drinks it when prego and she has like 3-4 labors! I'm hoping it will help me do the same :D
  • Ok, I keep hearing about this tea as well. Where do you get it? I'm not much of a tea drinker but I'm willing to try anything. My pubic bone is broken or dislocated so a lot of walking and sex are out of the question for me.
  • Specialty tea stores. I'm in Canada and there is a place called Teaopia. I think they have them in the states as well. Search tea shops or stores in your area! @bluegrass_mommy
  • @shmegs Thank you! I think we have something like that near me but had forgotten about it until I saw your post.
  • good luck.. ive tried all methods and none of them worked.. lol.. for me anyway.. the rasberry tea was tasty though.. i went ten days over with my last two pregnancy before the dr. induced me.. my first pregnancy though, i took my two year old neice around the block a few times.. while carrying her.. that night around 1am my water broke.. but i wasnt in active labor so they had to give me patosin.. to induce contractions.. they gave it to me at 8am and i had my son at 8:47pm that night..
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