
edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Im nine weeks went to bathroom ,a little spotting is that normal.


  • I'm around that far along also, I had some spotting and I went to the ER. Is it when you pee? Mine was when I had to pee I would have small dots of blood when I wiped. Its possible that you have a UTI (urinary tract infection) or some form of bladder infection. I had a UTI which is very common with pregnancy. Its probably nothing bad tho unless its a lot, bright red, or clotty. You should still tell your doctor tho because more likely it's some form of infection and that way he can prescribe you some antibiotics to clear it up.
  • Yes its when I pee I have been on anitbiotocs for a week now. With my first child I kept a bladder infection.Thanks so much. I will call my doc first thing.
  • You're welcome, I hope everything is alright
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