edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am due oct 20th and I've had problems with depression in the past. I cry almost everyday about little things and my husband is getting sick of me and the crying. I know its not healthy for me or the baby. I just feel alone I really don't have any friends just my husband and my mom. I have an appt to start seeing a counselor but I don't know what else to do besides that. I just want to be happy for me and my baby and so that my husband doesn't leave me or something. I'm sorry I just need someone to talk to and get advice.


  • Don't feel bad I been going through same stuff. Talking and communicating a lot I mean a lot with my fiance has helped but I still have my moments... hope you start feeling better I also find music, shopping, or pampering myself helps!
  • I'm 5 weeks due on Dec 1 if u need to talk add me >-)
  • He isn't an easy person to talk to. I usually just start crying and it makes it worse. And one reason I feel depressed is because we both have good jobs but we still are struggling to get by. Maybe seeing a counselor should help and maybe I need meds or something because I really feel I can't control it anymore.
  • I'm the same my hubby has no sympathy. I have no family here his family speaks Spanish only I don't speak. One word I have my son dogs n horses I talk to my son goes to school I work from home so I'm always here always lonely n sad I went to cut my hair buy some. New shirts n pants nget. My new long nails n feet pamperd it felt so good even tho I was all by my it!!
  • I'd say go see a counselor and get yourself help then I'd suggest having your husband go with you so you two get help. Just know that you are the only one that can make you happy. Try looking at the positive things in your life. It seems like your feeling lonely which is a difficult thing to go through especially since your not alone. I would rather be alone and lonely than be married and lonely. Good luck...... I hope that you start feeling better.
  • I'm 7 weeks and I've been depressed the last few weeks. I talk to my Dr and she doesn't want to put me on anything in the first trimester. She pretty much said tough it out and if its still bad in the second trimester she'll give me something for it. My boyfriend doesn't understand it either. He just thinks I'm being a baby and pretty much agrees with the Dr about tough it out. But I'm having such a hard time doing the things I need to do. I'm a student and I'm to the point of dropping my classes.
  • I know, my bf gets so mad when I cry because he asks over and over what's wrong but I can't tell him because I don't even know. So then he yells at me and makes everything worse. I have depression too. They gave me meds but I don't like them. They aren't my usual ones.
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