My doctor at the army medical center hasn't even suggested 3D ultrasound. I'm 27 weeks and want it done! Has any other army moms had this done and had tricare?
I hope someone answers this cuz I'd love to know also. My hubby is marines, but I also have tricare prime. You might have to call them and ask or your drs office should know. I'm only 9 weeks, so I'm not quite ready for that.
My sono doc told me that no insurance covers it and it cost $300 at my hospital. I've been looking into it and all the placed around me r between $250-450. But that's manhattan for ya everything is over priced
Look for ultra sound schools near you alot of them will do them for free or very cheap! The one near me does them for free I just have to bring a 1g flash drive. Im 28weeks
LOL @ ashley_smashley ... i TOTALLY agree! At my OB office the 3D ultrasound is $200 and a dvd of the ultrasound is $45. I had one with my daughter (5yrs ago) for free... of course we weren't military then but still lol. So, even though i really want one... i think i'll spend that $200 on the baby instead lol. But everyone just check around... different places have different prices. GOOD LUCK TO U ALL!
Tricare does not cover the 3d ultrasounds, it sucks. You'd think that at least high risk pregnancies could get one, but nope. Not only do they not cover 3d, I've also heard they only allow 2ultrasounds in your pregnancy unless others are deemed medically necessary? There are clinics that do 3d ultrasounds for reasonable prices however, you usually receive a dvd of your session & they print out some pictures for you. If you google 3d ultrasounds & your location you should be able to find a clinic.
Yes I agree with you. I go to base clinic and for my 20 week u/s they only gave me two pics of her face and that was it. They didn't even give me a pic showing that she's a girl. Both sides of family would like to see more pics so looks like we'll be looking around and paying out of pocket for another u/s and 3d to get more pics of her.
It depends what base your at my husband is navy in SC and we got the 3D and a little movie made of the baby moving around at 18 weeks so def ask but it may just depend where you are.