5weeks 1st time mother

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Mild cramping, spotting very.very nervous . Ultrasound in two weeks . Can anyone relate?


  • It's normal. Just take it easy and CONGRATS!
  • Im having cramping but no spotting. Don't worry its just ur uterus growing for the baby
  • Call you doctor & let them know the symptoms. My Midwife told me some cramping is normal & your spotting can be implantation bleeding.
  • Thank u ladies and congrats to u all
  • I'm 8 weeks with my first and totally confused and excited too. I spotted from implantation, and recently have been cramping, ask your doctor if you are worried, I am going to for peace of mind. Congrats!
  • ClaireFry; I absolutely will. Congratulations to u too!
  • It is normal. I had awful period cramps I had a great us two weeks ago and I am ten weeks now. Try not to worry. I know it is hard though because I did. When my cramps stopped my nausea started. I am not sure which one is worse but at the time they both sucked! Hang in there.
  • Im 8wks and its my first, i had cramping during the night, not painful but uncomfortable, enough to wake me up. I was worried, but my midwife told me it was normal. Due on 11/11/11
  • ClaireFry; I absolutely will. Congratulations to u too!
  • @momaynot and Nova1111 thank u ladies for the reassuring . I appreciate it
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