I honestly forgot but she was concerned because I have problems with depression and anxiety... I started having horrible dreams and im beyond stressed too... It was a common med tho... not zoloft but something like that
Just talk with ur doc if u need meds there r some safe ones.. I am waiting til after baby.. be cause I can still breast feed with the med she mentioned
with my first pregnancy i was put on zoloft for depression anxiety . it seemed to help a little bit . but not much . they had to bump me to the highest dose possible for it to actually work and then i was just quiet and mellow all the time . kept to myself rather then wanting to jump down everybodys throat for every little thing .
I Was on several anti-depressants & xanax for anxiety before conceiving. After finding out I went to my obgyn who recommended going off them if possible. After talking to my psychiatrist I decided to try to go off & have been without for 2 months successfully. my obgyn doesn't like any meds below a category B. Most anti-depressants& anxiety meds are C our below. So if the dr feels that taking them outweighs the fetal risk they'll keep u on them, but with any meds below a category B there can b some risk to the fetus. this may not help outer make u feel secure, but I've been on meds for years & there was no way I was going to have the risk of my baby either born with a defect or already addicted to or have drugs in his system. And another thing about anti-depressants is they have to b in your system about 2 weeks to notice an effect& you must take them every single day, not as needed. There is also with-drawal symptoms so just b careful.
Yea I been wo my meds for 6 months and been fine and now all of a sudden my attacks are back I know nothing us safe in first trimester but I'm 28 weeks so I was haoping for something only as needed
It was a common med tho... not zoloft but something like that
if u need meds there r some safe ones.. I am waiting til after baby.. be cause I can still breast feed with the med she mentioned