Question for those of you who are already moms!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I want to breast feed but id rather use tge breast pump. Can you tell me the best breast pump out there, best as in comfortability, timeliness, sanitary cleanliness..etc...doesnt matter the cost, if it is worth it, it will be purchased...


  • I had trouble breastfeeding but I always preferred the hospital ones.. you cab hire them off websites or buy them
  • I have one, I think evenflo? It was $70 and its amazing. I'll get back to you on the exact brand when I wake up some, haha
  • The medela is a great one, but its somewhere between 200 and 300 dollars...if you are exclusively pumping I recommend a double breast pump
  • It Is evenflo. its a dual electric pump and it comes its a travel hand pump. Babys r us is where I got it and my mother in law is an DON and said not to waste money on the medela
  • The hospital one was the best I used. U can rent them and get the parts offline. Cheaper in the long run. I bought one and it took forever to pump.
  • I Had a madella and loved it. Just be sure you get a double. Most out there today are good. They come with bottles and and extras. It's worth spending the cash for a good one. are you planning on brst feeding and pumping? I couldn't get as much pumping. If I only pumped I would dry up. But I know people who have done it. Depends on your body. But body always respond better to baby nursing.
  • I rented one (a medela) after having my first and loved it so I bought a used pump and will use my own attachments for this baby! Ebay is a good cheap place to look cause most of them are slighty used and its a clean way to go cause you can use all new parts with it. Get a double if you do definately worth it!
  • Medela worked best for me. I would also reccommend a double pump. Takes way less time that way. Good luck
  • Thanks everyone for the info. It was very helpful
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