3 weeks left

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm so ready to be done...I want to have my baby now. I was in the hospital due to a fall and contractions like 4 days ago they already estimated my baby to be 8 pounds. If I go to my due date of April 24th my baby is going to be huge. I just wish labor would start already. I'm 1 cm dilated and having contractions but they aren't strong enough yet.
Anyone else expected to have a big baby?


  • When i was pregnant with my now 3 year old they projected his birth weight t be over 9 pounds. They induced me at 38 weeks and he weighed 8lbs 11oz so I could just imagine how much he sour have weghed if i had gone to 40 weeks.
  • My first was 9lb 4oz & 9 days early, so yeah, needless to say, I'm a little worried how big this baby is going to get... and I'll only be 23 weeks tomorrow!
  • I'm gonna ask my doctor to induce me soon. If this baby is bigger than my last ill need a c section. My last was 8lb 12oz. I had trouble delivering her. They had to use the vacuum thing to get her out..I asked for a csection when I found out I was preg because I wanted my tubes tied and to deliver baby in one shot but my doctor talked me out of it. Now I don't want a c section.
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