what i think should be added to pregly

i think they should allow you to add friends, so its easier for those who keep in regular contact, to find eachother, and i think they should add a recent history section that keeps track of all the discussions you comment on, not just create your self. theres pleanty discussions i comment on and would like to go back and see what other people have added and it taks me forever to find them! just my personal opinion tho!


  • Yeah yeah!! I wanted that too! Haha
  • Same here :) the only bad thing I could see coming from that is people might create cliques. You'll always get a couple jerks who abuse the system tho.
  • I would love a like button like on fb. There's some discussions or comments that I just want to like but have nothing really to say to it or I don't want to repeat the same thing they just said.
  • Yes they should make this just like Facebook. A block button to block who you don't wanna talk to, add friends, and most of all I wish I could add more than just one picture at a time
  • i wish i could get my picture to upload no matter what.. ive tried like 6 different pics, and that wont work. i think they should allow albums, so mommys and mommys to be can upload belly pics, and u/s... first birth pics, and milestones... i also like the like button.. i havent really had ne one i need to block, but sounds good too. lol
  • You can see your recent activity. On my phone I just click my name at the top (categories, discussions, jwigs, in that order) and it shows threads I've commented on.
  • it doesnt show on my phone, unfortunatly the associate who sold me this phone was an a$$ and didnt inform me it was actually a down grade from what i had when it came it internet services...
  • I think pregly should have a 'reply' button on comments instead of having to do the @ whoever bc half the time when people reply to my comments I don't get them plus, if you accidentally spell their name wrong they wont get it either. @martin
  • Chat! And push notifications would be awesome so I could get them w/o checking in. I think +1-1 should be added back. What does permalink mean?
  • I kinda agree with @VictoriaB the problem with the "add friends" and "block people" thing people tend to form cliques or groups and sometimes block themself off from others and that only spells out drama. I learned this first hand when I was a manager on MSN Groups before it became Multiply and when I was an Admin on my old forum. Plus this is a publicly viewed forum you put your stuff up here for the public to see.

    I do like the idea a "like button". I too am like @redhead25 sometimes its a comment I agree with and just want to like because I have nothing to say or they took the words right out of my mouth.

    Also a PM System would be nice. Private/Personal Messaging.
  • @autumn_babe That would be nice if they had a reply link by the posters name or automatic reply/notification. It'll make it easier to comment to a certain poster.
  • Maybe just a "like" option instead of +1/-1. With the growing moderator team, the self-moderation isn't as necessary, so the -1 is just for drama at this point.
  • I think there should be a "Best Of" section. There have been some awesome threads that I would love to go back and re-read because they were so funny or informational.

    I think the "like" button should make a comeback as well. I also think Pregly would be awesome with a "vent" topic category.
  • Having albums is a cool idea
  • I think they should add a section in the categories area called "married."
  • I agree albums would be fun espically one so we can see everyones new borns.
  • @Beautiful_Altar photo albums would be a nice addition.
  • @autumn_babe I love the 'reply button' suggestion.. IM should also be added.
  • I love the Vent category idea. Then people who are looking for pregnancy related topics only can overlook those discussions more easily. And, more importantly, questions won't get lost as quickly in off-topic threads.
  • They should have chat rooms! As well as a forum
  • all the ideas r great. Idk about anyone else but to go back n forth between discussions n pages on my phone is EXTRA SLOW. N i kno its not my phone lol i jus wish it was a bit quicker like my browser
  • edited April 2011
    I hate that if I go back from a thread on, for example, page four it sends me back to page one in the app.
  • I think it would also be wonderful to be able to go back to the last post you left off on as opposed to starting at the top of the posts. It is one of the reasons I won't respond a lot of the time because it is obnoxious and time consuming.
  • for all you ladies who put some input into what you think pregly should have. check this out. this site allows you to have a picture gallery, private messages, more than one picture at a time, and a friends list.... plus much much more! www.bundlesofjoy.forumotion.com have fun ladies!!!! hope to see you over there! :-D
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