im sorry. i need to vent.
I'm going crazy. I'm not preg yet so I can blame it on hormones. I was out yesterday with both my kids. When my husband got home he called and I told him I would be gone for a while so if he would fold some laundry. There were 3 loads he needed to do. And he had plenty of time to do them before we even came home. When I came home with the kids I found nothing done. He folded 1 basket and didn't even get them all put away. And the point is I was able to get some dishes done and clean his coffee pot out all week and I asked him to do 1 thing for me and he didn't. Then last night I asked if he was going to take a shower cuz he stunk after work. And he said he would when the boys were sleeping. Which usually means he wants me to join him. Then he fell asleep and I asked told him I thought he was taking a shower then he said he would tomorrow. I went in and took a shower. Hoping he would join me. Nope. I went back to bed and told him thanks for showering with me. Not. Then this morning he was all pissy. He took a shower this morning. He is really upsetting me. My boys woke up and wanted to play outside and my husband didn't want to take them. I was going to do laundry and clean up the house while they were outside. He went into kitchen to wash dishes. I feel like screaming. All he ever does is yell. And on top of his crap my youngest has been really clingy. Ugh. I just don't know if I can handle this. I want to run and hide. I want to get my house clean before we get preg cuz cleaning products are bad for preg women. Does anyone else have this problem? Or similer?
And don't get me wrong. He works hard and I love him, he brings home the only income. And he does the dishes most times. But I work hard too raising our kids. I have depression so its really hard for me. I just wish he understood.