Long early labour im so tired!!!

My due date was Thursday 31st been contracting since 12:10am till now. Passed the mucus plug Thursday and was 1cm 50% effaced I feel like ill be in first stage forever. Most the pain in my back. I've walked, cleaned, cooked and showered this is such a process I feel week and helpless but so excited!!!


  • You should go so they can induce you :)
  • Just keep trying to relax, I had really bad back labor with my first, it was hard hard hard to relax, have someone give you a foot rub, and a back rub.
  • Thank you mamamagz I'm trying to have a very natural labour so I don't want an induction or epidural ill get my husband to massage me and try to hang in there.
  • Good luck
  • Bath tub lay in there!
  • Rocking on your hands and knees can help with the back labor and help to get baby moving. Bouncing on a big fitness ball did wonders for me when I had a long early labor phase with my first son. Good luck!
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