leaving pregly(venting)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
w am finally fed up with the judgmental people. Just because some of us need government assistance people think its ok to belittle and judge us. My husband works a 40+ hour work week. Our cost of living almost exceeds how much he brings home. We have t pay for our own insurance through his job and it went way up from last year.


  • Don't leave. I too am on government assistance. Food Stamps or Link Card. I don't have low income our live on section 8, but I have family members who do. I understand how you feel. Not everyone on government assistance are poor some people just need a little help. Sompeople judge because they don't know any better.
  • Pay no attention to ppl. The way I see it is if you work hard then you deserve to get assistance. Its those that sit at home have kids and live off of welfare and all the assistance they can get that upset me. I have assistance and I also work for a hospital and ambulance company but I'm only PT so I'm not covered for their insurance and now that I'm 37 weeks pregnant I can't really work at all cause I can't do the job requirements. Keep your head up and don't get down girl.
  • Ok I fail to realize why you telling everybody all your business. Of course everyone seems to judge everyone but the question is why do would you even care what people think of you. No one pays your bills but you and your man and if you proud of him working and helping support you than Im happy for you. But dont get on here saying that you gonna leave cause people jusging you. Hell in my eyes putting your business out on an app for the world to see says you want peoples opinion. So not being harsh but f what people think cause at the end of the day they have to deal with their on situations.
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  • Don't be upset and leave hun! Times are hard!! babies are sometimes unplanned and we all need to do what we can to feed our kids. I'm not on any assistance but completely agree with getting help if ends don't add up.
  • I fall under every single gov assistance and idgf what these ppl say about that! I say if you qualify for help then take it!!
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  • @Mshahir
    My family comes from Portugal not all of them are citizens but doesn't make any of them take being in the usa for granted. Your husband seriously is pulling his weight for 2 men! It's a shame we pay our employees so little an hr. Yet rent and food continue to rise.
  • edited April 2011
    I see it as u not a bad mommy bcuz u cant take care of ur child or dont have money ur a damn good money to do wat u have to do to support ur family....and the ppl that judge u be the ones right in your shoes needing assistance to....so y leace pregly over hormonal or lonely ass women ?
  • people who judge people for being on assistance dont know what its like to go through a hard time so eff them let them keep their high sociecty ways of thinking but one day they may know what its like to work and barly make ends meet and if they think any worse of us for having kids while doing it its none of their buissness we want children too
  • The same ones who judge us are the ones who try to buy food stamps from ppl they know one asst.
  • I hope you stay and just ignore people who are ignorant/selfish/rude. It makes me happy to know that we live in a country that offers assistance to those who need it, whether it be for a short time or for the long haul. A lot of folks take their blessings for granted and don't understand that we are all but a situation away from being in another person's shoes. Hard times can happen to anyone at any time and no one should judge another person for doing the best they can in a world that if not always fair. We could always do more to assist our fellow wo/man and sitting on high horses helps no one...ever. I hope we can all treat each other better than a lot of what I've been seeing lately. We should all be made to feel welcome! Just my humble opinion. Best to all!
  • first off hunny dont leave people r idiots this is a pregnancy forum and u came here for advice and comfort as we all and u deserve to get that so i understand completely but until all of the Pregly trolls are gone the drama and bs will continue dont let other ruin ur Pregly experience
  • If someone is on assistance because they qualify and need it then that's their situation and I pass no judgement. It's the people that are proud to be on assistance and brag about it that bother me.
  • I see NO problems with assistance as long as you're working and trying your best to provide for your families. It's the people who keep popping out kid after kid, and refuse to work that I have issues with.

    Don't let idiots get to you. Everybody needs help now and then, and it should never be okay to feel guilty when you're trying your best but need a little assistance to help you back onto your feet. :)
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  • Hes also a proud man! Must b hard!! We all have our pride and having to ask for help should leave us without shame or guilt. I'm hoping somehow you can stay and get medical for yourselves. Idk how it works.
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  • second @Simplyjenai i fail to realize why people such as urself dont realize that Pregly is a place where women can come vent and get advice and meet others that are in the same situation and share experiences and so on without feeling judged third had u read her statement and or the title its clearly her saying she is venting idk any other way to vent then to tell her business i think u should have left the discussion be if u didnt like her telling her business not to be harsh but im pretty blunt just like urself and that my opinion
  • Don't leave some people r just to imature.
  • My dad always told me...you are better than nobody, but nobodys better than you. I was confused as a young girl when he told me this, but as I got older that's what helps me hold my head high. Im on medicaide and not afraid to say it! And if people don't like when people air their laundry I guess pregly may not be your cup of tea. Were here to support help and comfort people like @hurstk28 not to critisize ahm...so don't leave! We got your back girl
  • I see nothing wrong with women being happy or proud with recieving help..... so I really don't understand that comment. Do you mean women who's able bodied & refuse to work? @Megrod88?
  • rite not only happy but grateful
  • Don't leave because of dumb people!!!

    @mshahir at least he has a work visa. I do have to say if you look thru the paperwork its not that hard. He can become a permanent resident were he would have all the rights like a citizen besides voting and jury duty. It's about $600 every 10 years for renewal and only 2 easy sheets to fill out.
  • I have read many posts where I found plenty of harsh comments. What ever happened to if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all?
  • @SimplyJenai, i don't mean to be rude but your comment was not necessary. I think we all know that when we post a discussion, someone like you might not agree and post a rude comment like yours. What i would like you to know is that a lot of the girls in this forum are going through a hard time and all they are looking for is a little support. If at any time you feel like you cannot offer any kind of support then stay away. No one is forced to comment on every single discussion, neither are you. I hate to see how so many girls come to websites like these to look for advice, for support and they come across people that have nothing good to say. To prove how determined i am to stop these harmful comments from people who think they are entitled to rude opinions i will report the comment you posted and any other i see of the same kind to the corresponding authorities.

    @hurstk28, i am currently on Medicaid & Food Stamps and you know something... i might have a low income but i am not embarrassed because i know that from Monday through Friday as soon as the sun comes out i am up and on my way to school to get and education and after that im rushing to work to save up the little i do make to buy my baby the things he/she might need when he/she gets here. People are just so heartless and ignorant now a days but they never think about others, they just put their "opinions" out there without realizing that sometimes people need a simple "you are not alone". If you do decide to leave pregly then that's fine. Good luck, hold your head high and God bless you. We will miss you here :)
    P.S. If you ever come back, you'll probably find me cause it's going to take more than rude comments to get me out of this place lol.
  • There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about when receiving foodstamps or any other assistance. Ppl shouldn't have to hold their head down in shame when they grocery shop & present that card. Nor should they feel judged by the medical coverage they receive when they go to the doctor. its a sad shame When ppl judge..
  • Me n my family get Medicaid and food stamps the way I see it with all the dang money the government takes out my and my finances checks why not! Maybe if they left out checks alone we wouldnt need government assistance .... times are hard and we do what we got to to survive and take care of our children the best we can! And I could give a bleep less what anyone else thinks. They are not paying my bills or living my life so kick rocks! For real government assistance is a topic that if you don't have nothing nice to say done say nothing at all some bias are just nosey and need to stick their noses some where else if they don't like what their smelling! LOL don't go plenty of women here who don't judge you! I love pregly!
  • I figure I've paid all these years into it and now I need help cause I'm the only one takin carec of my kid so who cares what everyone else thinks
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