Preterm Labor, sitting hospital bed!

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
I'll be 34 weeks tomorrow. I went to midwife yesterday and she noticed I was having contractions, sent me to labor and delivery and the dr said they were to regular and put my on magnesium. They gave me the 2 steroid shots for baby girls lungs. Now they are trying to wean me off the magnesium. I hope to go home tomorrow morning, but then again everyone at my house is sick with fever, vomiting, and the runs! I can't win!!! But I miss my babies!


  • Awe hun I wish you all the best of luck and im praying she stays in there for awhile longer. :)
  • Praying for u :)
  • edited April 2011
    Aww im sorry ur going through all that...
    im hoping for the best <3
  • I'm sorry. Maybe it is best you stay at the hospital till everyone is better cause getting sick can cause preterm labor sometimes. I pray both situations get better. Hang in there
  • Stay strong & hang on momma! I hope everyone at home gets better fast, & that you do, too. I'm 27 weeks & avoiding my cousin & his family cause they all just suffered through a terrible stomach flu. Pregnant women have it hard enough without catching a nasty bug on top of it. Best of luck, sugar! :)
  • They said all I have to do is hold her in for 2 more weeks! If I have her before that I can't even have her at my hospital cause they don't have a nicu.

    As far as everyone being sick, my little ones got sick Tuesday, my hubby today. I haven't caught it from them, so hopefully I won't catch it from him, and yes we all had flu shots!
  • The same exact thing happened to me when I was 31 weeks I got the shots and was put in magnesium for.3 days..I kept getting contractions..after the third night the contractions went down and they took me off magnesium and I was sent home...I am about to be 36 weeks and they said now its safe to go into labor..since I got the steroid shots
  • Way to go @ seli234. I have had the same experience with some of my other babies, but we're talking over 11 years ago. I just can't wait to get in my own comfy bed. Although my nurse tonight is the nurse I had for delivery of my daughter in Dec 09, kinda neat, she remembered me cause we brought homemade cookies in with us!
  • Well its 9 am Sunday morning, I'm off the magnesium and ready to go home, just waiting on the dr to make her rounds. I hope its soon, cause I have 2 babies at home that miss their mommy, and a mommy that misses her babies and her bed!
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