Horrible Ice storm in indianapolis, worried about calling off of work. What are my rights?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I live in indiana where we are having the worst ice storm in over 10 years. I can't even walk outside the side walk is a huge sher of ice, my car is covered so I can't even leave. I am worried that even if I try to clean it I will fall. I am a manager if a retail store though so it makes it hard for me to call in, since a majority of my part time employees will be calling off. I feel bad, but I don't think it is safe for me to travel to work today & tomorrow. However, if I don't go I'm not sure who would be there to work. Does anyone know what my options are? I called my dr. to see about a doctors note but even my dr. office is closed. I'm nervous & don't know what to say to my boss.


  • Tell him if he wants u to go then he can pick u up and drop u off..u shouldnt risk getting hurt..
  • Thats how it is in st.louis where I live , my doors are frozen shut ,
  • @jasa do you work? Do you know legally if they can make me drive in? I can't even believe my boss expects me to drive in. she isn't even leaving her house yet I'm expected to drive in? I can't even open my doors to my car!
  • @tlg81
    Is your store even opening? Who's really out shopping? I'm currently not working, but I've been a retail store manager, so I know how you feel. Call your boss and see what's up. ...or tell a white lie and say you fell on the ice ;) your baby is more important than those ridiculous customers going out in that crap!!
  • @katlilly yes, my store is open. We opened late but we are open. My boss is a female w a child so I can't even believe she hasn't even asked or shown concern about my safety yet. All the other snow storms I had no problem traveling in, but obviously this ice storm is different for I can fall in this crap
  • Just call her and tell her you simply can't make it in. I totally get the hard part about it! If you fall you'll be out of work for who knows how long. Let her do a double this one time!
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