Coffee= I feel a little bad :(

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
As of late, I've been drinking coffee and I feel like crap abt it.... I only drink small cups so I would think it shouldn't be that bad. I need some thoughts on this subject ladies?


  • My doc said keep the caffeine less than 300 milligrams a day
  • My doctor told me its safe to drink 2-3 cups a day but not more than that..and I have drank 1 small cup a day from the beginning and everything is going perfect :)
  • Mine did as well, but still I always feel bad lol.... I definitely was a coffee drinker before we got pregnant- and as soon as we found out I didn't touch it for months. But I have mini cravings for it in the mornings as of late, and I feel like I'm being a bad soon-to-be mom :( womp womp lol silly I know.
  • Its ok to have some bc you don't want to stress your body just like quitting smoking there are side effects. (Think hheadaches)
    I'm most worried about iced coffee cravings when it eventually gets warmer! I'm a heavy coffee drinker normally. I've been home and not working, so I have about 6oz a day compared to 25-40oz I would normally drink! So I'm proud of that, but what happens when I go back to work? (Hopefully in the next month I have interviews ) I'm going to need my coffee!!
  • @ a-scott really? That's interesting to know, my doctor never mention that. I'm definitely going to look into that. Thank you. Well, I'm not gonna beat myself up over it I guess- just gonna continue drinking 1 small cup here and there in the mornings. Just not everyday! ;)
  • @ kat. I totally hear you on that. How far along are you? I'm not working as well at the moment and feel as if its really not worth looking now cause my little peanut will be here in July. A little part time gig I can do most definitely for now, but I don't wanna commit to full-time and then have to leave in 4 months. Ahhhhh so annoying lol. Anyhow, regards to coffee. I'm happy I'm not the only one and its most certainly ok to have a cup in the mornings. Thank you all.
  • @excitedmama I'm 6weeks. I have a second interview for a store manager position and they know I'm prego. They were fine w it, thankfully!! No coffee for me today, I'm having ovaltine w my pb on english muffin :D yummm
  • Don't feel bad! I'm drinking my daily cup now! My doc also said 1 cup is fine. Its true that if your already a coffee drinker then you don't want to shock your body by cutting it off. I also researched some and found a study where women who drank 3 cups a day compared to women who didn't drink any had the same stats as far a low birth weight and preterm labor.
  • @kat lol good for you, they are so Yummy ;) well Good luck with (hopefully) ur new job...
  • @ mamaof3tobe- I really am so happy to hear its ok.... I didn't want to feel bad every time I had a small cup. And its most definitely true you really don't want to put ur body into shock. I quit smoking cigs the first day we found out we were having a baby, so between that and not drinking coffee really is a lot at once.
  • Good job w/ the cigs! You definitely don't want to put those chemicals in your system. You've earned your coffee ;)
  • @mama lol- yes indeed I have earned my coffee, agreed! No, I didn't and don't want any bad chemicals in my system... I was pretty much over thee idea of smoking, so when I found out I was pregnant it was perfect timing and wow what a blessing. Everything happens for a reason indeed;)
  • I drink the frappicinos and stuf.on occasion but when my step mom was pregnant she drank coffee at least once a day. And she was 44 so she
  • Was already high risk youll be fine :)
  • @excitedmama looks like I'll be having that cup of. Coffee afterall! Getting a headache! :(
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  • @kat.... Ahh really? Well, drink up. Those headache are serious- they ruin my day when I have them :( ugh such a terrible feeling. Have ur cup indeed.
  • @mama_kat I love Starbucks* Yummo just talking abt it makes me want one lol. Well I only have one small cup per-morning as of late, and I'm 4 months so I passed that stage of miscarriage so far. I thank god everyday.
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  • @maymommy thanks- chatting with you ladies really re-ensure my feeling towards that cup of Yummo in the mornings lol. I appreciate.
  • Ugh love mt. Dew- its awesome. It's funny you say, I was with my girl the other day ( she just had a baby) we were eating pizza and she took out a can of mt. Dew, I told her " oh I want one" she goes "are you nuts, do you know how much sugar let alone caffeine is in this?" My reply: ohhhhhhhhhhh Lmao- leave it too me :P anyhow- yea, their the worst.... and yes, Starbucks gets a total thumbs up- fulfill your want ;)
  • This is going to sound silly...I was the same way with Coca-Cola..I had one glass a day and couldn't give it up...once my son was born he cried all day everyday...there was nothing wrong with him...completely healthy and I breastfed for 8 months....I don't know why but its like mammas intuition that it was because of the caffeine...just throwing it out there lol....obviously I have no medical proof of it but its just a feeling I have always careful!! Lol I'm not having any caffeine this time around praying that it will make for a happilyr baby....I can dream right?!?!
  • @mommy... see that's how I'am, any little thing always plays on what I did ( well that's how I think and feel at times) its called over analyzing- I do that pretty well lol Thats why I only have coffee once in awhile ( well not lately, been having it every morning so far) ugh. But I so hear you... it really makes you think, and I feel in my heart as a mom you would know, even just as a woman, we're good like that lol. Oh boy, I will most certainly keep that information in mind. And yes dear you can dream all you want ;) if anyone knows what's best for your babies its you.
  • I love coffee and try to drink only decaf. But sometimes ill ask for a shot of regular and the rest decaf.
  • I would do a lil real re search. I also have been told 1 cup a day is ok. Because on studys done women who drink over 200mg is when the issues started. Women who drank 200mg or less usualy had no symptems. But it totaly depends on your body, and the baby. Some can handle a lil more, others less. It is a drug and a stimulant. Im not trying to sound mean or rude. I LOVE coffee, and I delt with the headaches when I quit cold turkey, But two of my best friends didn't quit, they did their cup a day. Im not judging just what I researched when I was debating about having some or not. You have to concider also other foods and drinks like choc, coco, and tea have cafein in them. So just be carefull. Your baby gets everything you do. One cup prob fine.
  • I worked in a coffee shop for years till last week and I read u can have 200 mg a day about 2 shots of espresso I still felt a little guilty so I try to do decaf lattes most of the time but when I really need it I will do a shot of regular they say it causes low birth weight but my babies have all been atleast 8# and this one is gonna ne big too! Don't stress just moderation!
  • My doc told me not to quit the caffeine. He said I could have a grande Starbucks coffee and tea with every meal. Seems a buy much. I only drink coffee at work. Im a nurse and work 14 days a month. Try to lay off on my days away from work.
  • I can't even drink coffee that's the only thing to upset my stomach completely
  • I was a Mega coffee drinker before I got pregnant and now I can't stand the smell. Sometimes I get a 16oz mocha and peppermint milkshake (like a frap but creamier) its only got one shot in it. Delicious!
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