too much mucus!

edited February 2011 in Pregnancy symptoms
I've always had some mucus when I woke up in the morning but now since I'm pregnant its like I have a leaky mucus fosset in the back of my throat. Its driving me crazy! Now every morning I wake up with a huge knot in my throat and I'm constantly snorting to clear my throat and spitting. My doc says I should get a humidifier cuz I have forced hot air in my apt which isn't helpin, but I've tried a vicks vaporizer last night which is kinda the same thing, but it only helped a little. I'm convinced I just need a type of mucus pill cuz its not jus the apt that gets it goin... Is this happening to anyone else? If so is there an allergy pill I can take?? I'm so desperate for an answer to this nastyness!


  • i know my doctor told me i could take benadryl but dont know if it would help with that....i was told to take it for itching i have gotten extremly dry skin since i have been pregnant
  • You Can take musinex
  • no my doctor told me not to take mucinex
  • Every Doctors different
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Yea so far I've taken long showers to inhale the steam and boiled water to get some moisture in the air. Ill def invest in a real humidifier cuz I know ill need one anyway. Thanx girls! :)>-
  • I'm going through the exact same thing its so gross. I constatly spit but it gets all stringy andcaught in my throat.
  • Eek, I thought my little congestion was bad. Sorry, ladies. I actually got two sinus infections in January and had to be put on antibiotics both times.
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