anyone else anxious to tell

edited April 2011 in November 2011
I'm due November 10 and my parents and my fiance and a few others know I'm pregnant but I haven't told my little sisters yet and its killing me. We went shopping yesterday and nothing fit and I got so frustrated I wanted to tell them. I'm only 21 and they're 12 and 15 so I can understand but I still feel like telling them because they've always been my support team. How did all of you guys keep it a secret til after 3 months!?


  • I actually kept it from my fam til 2 weeks ago and on 26 weeks. I still haven't told my brother yet bc I don't want to tell him over the phone or on facebook he lives in italy but he comes home this month. It sucks having to hide it but my bf told everyone as soon as he found out. Just stay distracted and if u can't keep it in I day just do it!
  • I am NOT telling anyone. They'll figure it out eventually. I've been wearing a jacket everyday at work thinking I'm being slick. But some of them probably already know but just don't have the nerve to ask. If I could just keep it a secret for at least another 1 1/2 weeks that would be great. It's my next OB appointment and I'll know if my baby is still alive. I'll be 16 1/2 weeks by then.
  • My husband on the other hand has blabbed to the entire world already. Sigh...
  • I'm due on November 8 and only a few people know. Our first doctors appointment isn't until next monday. I think we'll tell everybody after that or maybe when we come back from Barcelona on the 25th. It's killing me to wait and I'm surprised folks haven't guessed since I keep passing on the wine. Big tip off for an eonophile like me! ;))
  • I'm catholic so I've just said I'm giving up alcohol for lent. I plan on telling everyone around Easter anyways so I guess its perfectly timed that way! I'm just not the type to keep secrets from those closest to me... making this so hard. I see the doctor for the first time on Tuesday and I'm so excited :)
  • I tell anybody who will listen. I told everybody at work, even customers. Then I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks. I told everybody, miscarriage is natural and it was so great having all the support. Then had 1 period and got pregnant with my now 1 year old. (Some customers didn't find out of the miscarriage, they thought I was pregnant FOREVER. LOL) Everybody knows were trying and they'll all know when we get a bfp. And it something goes wrong they'll al know that too....
  • I would probably be a wreak. I gotta say youre stronger than I am for sure. I already know that when I tell people at work there will be an uproar cuz I'm going to be the 4th one to say that I'm pregnant within like 3 months. And I work at a small restaurant! So I'd hate to tell them all if I had a miscarriage
  • I didn't think I'd be that strong. I lean on God and made it through. I definitely understand not telling people, but I know there is NO way I could. I am a big mouth.... lol
  • I am honestly surprised I haven't spilled the beans yet! Looking forward to my first. I'm so impatient though!
  • I cnt wait either my fiance told every1 but i wnt the wrld 2 kno now
  • I actually didnt wait til 3months. I dnt think telling them will put any kind of hex or anything on u, u should be fine. The whole 3 months thing makes no sense to me bcuz things can happen well after 3 months. let them be excited with u! Im glad i told my family n friends wen i found out. Everyone was so excited for me. U should feel the same thing
  • My hubby and I have told only a handful of people. But yesterday we broke down and told our kids (12 and 8.) They are so excited. They understand we still have a long way to go, but I feel being honest to them no matter what happens is the best way to go for us. I think if you are comfortable talking to certain people, those are the people to tell if you have to let it out. But that's just my opinion : )
  • My mom told everyone I was okay with it...I just wish she woulda asked me first...I only told her bC I had to go the hospital an I was nervous ..But everyone has all this pre excitement and I not due til October 22...I want time to go fast or at least know wat I having so I can shop!
  • We r due Nov 27 and we have only told some family & close friends. A part of me wants to shout it to the world, then nosey ppl make me think twice.
  • We are only waiting so we can spill the beans on mothers day!!! I will be 10 weeks then!!!!
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