Does Braxton Hicks feels like...

edited April 2011 in Health
(TMI) like you have to go #2? You know when you eat something that doesn't agree with you and you literally have to run to the bathroom, I'm curious if that's what it feels like.


  • NOt for me.. My tummy cramps on all sides, gets hard like my forhead and lasts almost a full minute.
  • @Jaime77 so thats what it is? Lol I thought it was just gas lol
  • LOL real contractions last loonger and are more stronger. I try to just breath thru them and rub my belly.
  • I get period like cramps all the time?? Does anyone know what THAT means?? Doc says nothing helpful. Lol
  • @newmommy... thatz normal and it all has to do with your belly growing. As long as their no bleeding your fine!! o :bz
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