So Freakin Excited for Saturday!!!!!

edited April 2011 in Third Trimester
10wks until i'm due and i'm treating myself to a 1hr massage and 1hr pedicure. I am in desperate need of this people!!! This unfortunately will be my one and only gift to myself for a very long time....but so worth it. Anyone else treating themselves before the "big day"?


  • Be careful with the massage make sure its someone that's trained in prenatal massages. But sounds fun Im def in need of both of those. Maybe I should make a date with one of my girlfriends. Thanks for the idea!!
  • I had carpet installed in the living room and we are getting all new furniture next week. I had my hair done 3 weeks ago but I'm more excited about the new living room!!!!! Enjoy your day....... I would love to have 2 hours of me time but I just can't fit it in my schedule.
  • My boyfriend bought me a 1 hr pregnancy massage for Valentines day. Im about 9 weeks away...I've been trying to wait as long as I could before using it, but I might have to soon!!
  • I waited as long as I could as well. I'll have about 9wks to go after Saturday. I might try to get another pedicure before I deliver but money is tight enough as it is and i'd feel a little selfish for the additional splurge.
    I also made sure to check w/them about the prenatal massage. They woman who is doing it has had additional that's good.
    I wish you all luck on this new adventure called mommyhood! Hope everyone gets to pamper themselves a little.
    @momma2joe-that's awesome. So jealous!!
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