real military moms!!

edited April 2011 in Military moms
Sorry to all those who get offended but I want to know where the actual soldier moms are not military WIVES. It's not the same. Again sorry. But I deal with actually leaving my children not like the wives who stay at home with them while hubby leaves n makes all the money. In my relationship its backwards I'm active he's guard he's staying home with kiddos while I go to kandahar next January. PS I'm 29 weeks with a girl n have a 2yr old already. My daughter won't remember me when I come home. Shell be around 6-7 months when I leave. Totaly diff from army wives!!


  • I'm in the guard but do it full time. I actually transferred to a training unit so I wouldn't be deployed for a couple years. I did two tours to Iraq before I had kids. I'm 26 weeks with #2 and have a 3 year old. Only bad part of a training unit is I have to travel and I work extremely long hours... Good luck to you!
  • I have been on both sides active duty mom and now military wife...its hard either way.
  • God bless the both of you! <33
  • I'm a military wife but I worked closely with active duty men and women for 6 years it is very hard on our side, but I think its especially harder when its the active duty member Leaving.
  • Thanks for no1 taking offence to this discussion. Just wandering how others do it how they cope my son was over 1yrs when I left for a yr of training n he remembered me but shell be 6 months.....just sad n dreading leaving my poor hubby who's a full time Ford technician and also national guard. With two babies alone. N I fear him cheating this time......
  • thank you for you service(: <3 and hang in there! Wives too!
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  • I did contract work in kuwait for a year. Not military but i left when my son was 2 1/2 and came back when he was 3 1/2 and he remembered me. My husband worked 12 hour days at the sheriffs office and went to college while I was gone
  • I am a military wife, and I know its hard to watch my husband leave but couldn't imagine how I would feel if I was the one having to leave my daughter or husband behind...I'm about to be 39 weeks on Tuesday...thank you or what you do an I'm sorry you have to leeave while yoour daughter is so young
  • Thanks @married2ourhero......I'm just glad I have such a loving hubby who will take amazing care of them. He wants me to get out after deployment but I love my job in the army I don't want to give it up. I know its hard on the family but some people have a calling n I believe this is mine. N my 2yr old tells every1 so proudly his mommy is in the army.
  • both myself and my hubby are active duty airforce and i am barely 5wks, i was thinking about getting out but i have a huge car payment so i dont see that happening.
  • I guess I just realized how close it is from now n how much ill be missing again......I have that knot in my throat like am I doing what's right?....guess I'm just second guessing myself but idk....maybe its hormones lol sorry if it seems like I'm being a cry baby. Just venting I guess lol :)
  • That's an awesome feeling of knowing they are proud of you.....I could get a job working on a cassino ship ater my hubby gets out with my aunt...but id be gone 28 days and home 28 days and I don't think id be able to handle even that short of time away....
  • Awww thats so sweet hun, your son is proud of you. Im not a military mom i know its hard to leave your babies at home with daddy. My cousin, she is in the military and is a sargent, she is married and has 3 kids. She left them everytime after she gave birth. They didnt know who she was but they kept contact through skype and that made all the difference. I know you can do it! im am a military wife with one on the way and my husband leaves us, he even says its harder than it looks like. Good luck hin and be careful!!
  • Lol **hun** not hin. Sorry.
  • I am also a soon to be military mom. Im in the navy and im dreading the fact I will have to leave my son for 9 months at a time. I know its gonna be hard my hubby is active duty navy as well. Im 21 weeks.
  • thanks guys I feel in just dreading that day when I leave. I hate it when I use my brain lol makes me think too much
  • @itsagirl The MWR read a book program is Amazing... My hubby was 'gone' (Germany and Iraq) from my 9th month pg to when my daughter was 2 1/2 and she knew exactly who he was. He took a camera and filmed books he ordered online and just talked to her. It was amazing the connection the had and still have. (I am also a vet, a sergeant with 8 years in service, so I have been on both sides of the rank) and I know its hard and we all thank you for your sacrifices.
  • I am also an army mom.....I have it really hard right now because me and my husband are stationed in 2 different places, me in savannah and he is in TX. He is due to deploy in may and will miss out on the birth of first baby(due sept 5). I am dreading the day he leaves but I know daddy will be back and we will be together as a family soon.
  • Im active duty navy curently 14 weeks pregnate they transfered me to a quarter deck untill after i have the baby. Im a mechanic in the seabees. I already have a son n daughter as well as a step daughter its hard to leave but its a wonderfull feeling when you come back home. good luck to you and yours... ty for thoses that serve in arms brothers and sisters alike.
  • my husband is active duty and left when our daughter was 4 months old. Take a lot of pictures before you leave and put them in various places around your house. She's young so you can even attach pictures to a mobile. Go online and research "flat daddies" ... you send in a picture of you and they create a life size poster out of it. Or the united though reading program. You read a couple of books on camera and then send it to your husband. That is great because your children can still listen and see you reading a bedtime story and for your newest its important to keep your voice around. You can also do this before you leave so there will be many stories your hubby can use! I hope that is helpful to you! :) good luck hun! An don't count the day just enjoy the ones right now!
  • They also make hugme dolls for kids and blankets for daddy (or mommy) to sleep with so ur smell is on it to put on crib for baby
  • Thanks every1 sorry I haven't gotten back with anyone I was in ER today baby was giving me lots of contractions n lost my plug!! But all is ok she's just being busy lol :)
  • I'm active duty and so is my husband, so I feel your pain.. my husband will be spending the entire first year in korea and when our son is 4 months I'm headed to training..not exactly how I pictured raising my child...I guess I'm thankful for a paying job and a wonderful family that will keep our son.
  • i am 26weeks! i was mobilized in September to Wisconsin for training to deployed to kuwait..after a few months in country i found out i was pregnant from my block pass..i was sent home in february..came home to sent my fiance off to training he is training to go to a small fob in afghanistan..i am in a support unit and he is infantry...i have a two yr old from previous relationship n she is now the one keeping me company..but i sorta know what it is to leave your child..those 5 almost 6months apart were of great impact to my daughter it took her a week to fully open up with me..n that was with me constantly skyping with not a good feeling!!! but just be strong for them..hope for a safe return..n keep positive plans for the future this will be of good motivation..especially for those home sick days...well best of luck sister!!! stay safe!!!
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