when did everyone start showing?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 8 weeks and still not showing. I was wondering when do you normaly start to show?


  • I started about twelve
  • Depends on what baby number this is for you. I feel I started to show really early with this one but it took forever with my first one. Mostly just looked big..I believe a lot of people begin showing by four months
  • I'm 13wks3days and i'm still not showing either i'm so anxious to start showing especially so bd can start to get more involved!
  • This is my first and i started to show around 15 weeks. It mostly looks like I'm fat tho lol
  • This is my first baby :) I think I just look fat lol
  • My 1st 15wks ths baby 10wks is wen I noticed how big I was
  • I'm prego with baby #3 and I'm 20 weeks and barely look prego but more like I'm bloated..
  • Ohkay well i see i have a few more weeks to go!
  • this is my 1st...im 14wks & still not showing...i just look like i just ate...lol...but my clothes are starting 2 feel uncomfortable :/
  • My first baby i didnt show, couldnt even tell i was pregnant. My second i showed about 6 1/2 mths. My third about 5 1/2 mths and this pregnancy i showed at 3 mths.
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