i didnt really get appetite until recently i am 17 weeks so i wouldnt worry as long as you are drinking alot of water, taking your vitamin and eating healthy. Best of luck!
Before pregnancy, I could go all day on just a meal sometimes two. I have to remind myself to eat regular meals for lil guy. Even tho it sucks because your sick and have no appetite try to get something in your stomache. Maybe soups? Crackers?
I eat carrots n crackers n stuff through out the day n a chicken sandwich usually for dinner that's the only thing I can stomach I just can't eat much I feel like I should b eating all the time
Think they say determine your daily caloric needs by your pre_preg weight/height then add 300 calories to that number and try to meet your daily requirement. For me it was 1600 before pregnancy to maintain my weight but now I go for 2000. Somedays, I can't do it.