Have you had any crazy dreams since you got PREGNANT!!

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My first crazy dream: Im always peeing on myself. 2nd one: I wake up because Im in labor..


  • I had one about snakes very scarey!
  • I keep dreaming abt me eating chipotle lol!
  • @kellybelly81 yeah i have nightmares too and im always about to pee on myself...lol
  • Lol I know! I want some lol!
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  • Omg every night (and I'm not exaggerating) I have some kind of dream involving a child/baby, pregnancy, etc its crazy
  • @KerrideeRN OMG! Thats creepy... I also have sex dreams alot too...
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  • I had a dream me & my bf went to Vegas and I won $30,000 on a slot machine and when I woke up I was sooooo pissed that it was just a dream...last night I dreamt that I was in this weird apt building and I had to pee so bad but all of the bathrooms were so gross I wouldn't use them..big sunrise that I woke up having to pee lol
  • Surprise* lol
  • @KerrideeRN OMG! Maybe its something that your eating at night... my mom says chocolate before you go to bed will cause nightmares...
  • Before I found out I was pg a few days before I dremed of having ugly crazy stretch marks and then fm gng to a bg tummy and having to hv to go to the hospital to induce and then seeing tht I have a beautiful baby girl
  • @starrxoxo9 I hate dreams like that almost everynight too... I hate it when the money dont be real... and the one about peeing
  • SO i had the craziest dream of all... I gave birth to a lil red headed little boy. meanwhilt they told me I was having a girl and I dont have red hair... So i called the hospital and they realized they gave me the wrong baby. I was sooo pissed and agnry...uh that was a horrible dream!!
  • I have bad dreams all the time somebody trying to steal my baby... My bf is away I have sex dreams all the its so crazy o dont like staying home by myself. I cant wait till he comes back home.
  • I Had a reallly sad one recently. My husband was at work, he's a firefighter, and I didn't hear from him all day. Apparently something happened and my 3 year old kept asking where her daddy is. She kept crying wanting her daddy, and I kept telling her he was with the angels. Then his ghost was there saying "daddies here hunnie dont cry daddys here" it was so sad. I told my husband about it and he almost cried.
  • I had a dream about my aunt who died 15 years ago came to visit me I have not seen her in sooo long....she sat down with me and we talked I couldn't remember if I told her I'm pregnant but she told me that everything was going to be alright and hugged me..that was it I never saw her again
  • I had a dream that I was puking and woke up because I was spitting on myself.
  • I've been having crazy as dreams every night! Last night was one of the tamer ones but still ended with me being chopped with an axe . Trippy stuff. Also they always become pretty kinky . What annoys me is that most days I wake up so tired an warn out from these wild dreams .
  • Oh gosh I've had a lot of bad dreams some are dead people some are people killing each other. I mean its juz crazy I don't know if its part of pregnancy or something else.
  • I had 2 .. The first one was that I was giving birth . And the other one was three diff dreams at once but don't really remember it only that I was having a girl in all three of them.. Lol
  • I keep having crazy dreams as well. I dream I was in labor and I gave birth to a lightskin curly hair baby boy I'm brownskin by the way. Funny part is it came out walking and talkin and holdin a sippy cup smh crazy.
  • Yes, my dreams r going wild. But I think I have more nightmares than anything,
  • I keep having dreams about babies and they always turn out to be someone else's...also last night I had a dream I was fighting with my friend that ive been friends with since 6th grade. I was beating her up and telling her I was done with our friendship. This is probly because I am disappointed in how our friendship is like a 1way street. Also I was going to ask her to be godmother but due to her not being there for me I decided not to...that's probly where this dream stemmed from? Lol
  • Before I found out I was pg, I dreamt of a pg lady was chasing me n I was pg too. It was so intense bc I was running for my life,through abandoned building n empty lots. The next week I found out my coteacher was pg on Wedn n I found out of Fri! One pg after the other,LOL. I have some scary dreams n a lot of sex dreams too.
  • I had a dream the other night that I went out with an old friend and then went to a house and my mom was holding my newborn baby but I didnt remember giving birth a couple hours earlier... It was trippy.. My bf adked if I saw what the sex was but I didnt... it was sooo weird..
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