this bleeding bit has got to stop......

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
This pregnancy is driving me nuts!! I first found out I was prgnant at only 3 weeks along cuz I was in the hospital with asthma problems!! I was in and out of the hospital weekly after that because I was bleeding badly!! Well that problem worked its was out of the picture. Then I was told I had placenta previa and that because of the new bleeding and possible bleed out that I was on vaginal rest. Well that problem seemd to fix itself and everything was back on!! Since Saturday morning, I've been bleeding again....I've been to the doctore ever 2-4 weeks with this lil boy and have had an US everytime! Not saying I don't eenjoy seeing my baby grow, but I'm really ready to enjoy this pregnancy instead of worring that something is alwayse wrong. I hate feeling like I can't do anything for my lil man!!! Will let ya know what the doc has to say today!! Let's hope its nothing crazy this time!! Fingers crossed!!
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