What happen!!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Can some1 help me? This is my 1st baby I'm due june 6. But my babies father is in the army an he jus vanished. Wen we found I was pregnant we were surprised an happy cuz I has on depo. He even asked me 2 marry him. We set a day an made all the plans . An then he had this trainin that took him away 4 2weeks an then it all changed. He came back an said he was thinkn bout his ex an. That he wasn over her an that he wanted to be wit her. An ever since I been goin 2 the doctors alone an seein all these couples with their baby an happy hurts. He want even call to see how things are goin. An wen I call he want pick up. He even moved from the room he was in, WHAT DO I DO!


  • id let it go . i really would . he obviously didnt really love you like he said he did . i kno its hard but remember youll always have that baby and no matter he will always be a part of your life wether he likes it or not . just be strong for you and the baby .
  • oh my? maybe he just got freaked out about the new change. i dont really think there is anything you can do but maybe talk to him (if you get the chance) and maybe give him his space. im sorry.
  • well i would say that you should straighten your back and start filing for support now.. it sounds to me like he is having 2nd thoughts which is normal for alot of men... they realize (or have friends help them realize) that with a baby they cant do alot of the things they did before.. like party or pull all nighters... but filing for support will help you incase he doesnt have a change of heart in the next 2 months... and if he does come back... you will still have that support any way until he decides(if he decides) that you want to get married... dont think negatively about it all... you are a strong independent woman and you dont need him there to raise your baby... it might hurt to see all the couples w/ kids but when your baby grows up s/he will love you so much more
  • What a dick let him go if he stayed with u it would be a lie u will be OK that baby will bring u so much joy. ;)
  • @tye_tye pshhh girl you got it good, he's in the military. If he's still not around when the baby is born. Have him Take a paternity test to show that he is the legitimately the father on paper and if he's not wanting to take responsibility, go to his command and the will make him. I know this sounds mean and wrong but u need to do what u need to do for the baby. And the military will make sure that he takes care of his responsibilities. Then u can request child support n what not if u need that. Just make sure ur ducks are in a row and u are golden. Good luck girl, and keep ur head up.
  • I know every1 thinks I should let it go but something just doesn add up its like he changed personality completely. Its just not like the man I fell in love with. I'm just not understanding this at all. An I'm a good person so y is my baby(Son) an me bein punished
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