How to deal with people's comments (Rant)

edited April 2011 in July 2011
I am having my second in July and almost everyday someone says to me that I am huge. I'm bigger than So-n-so who is same #wks. U must be due really soon. R u SURE ur not having twins. Were u this huge last time. I had to pull out the photos from 3 years ago to prove to a coworker Im exactly same size I was with my first. Who am I proving this to, her or myself? I can't get over these comments and don't know how to respond. I either cry about it later or say something like I know I'm a whale ok. An make them feel bad. I know I show early and get big but my babies r normal size and I'm a avg size woman.
How can I respond to these commentators without hurting their or my own feelings? How can people, esp women who r mothers themselves not see that its inappropriate way to talk to a pregnant woman?


  • Smh sometimes you can't try and spare others feelings......not saying you should go on a rampage, but being blunt and telling them that every woman and pregnancy is different so them comparing you to someone else is ignorant.

    They'll catch the hint.
  • That's so rude! You're obviously a nice person because I would have cursed those folk out a long time ago. You could buy some of these shirts to be nasty for you! [-X
  • Omg so rude sorryyy hun dont feel bad I feel like a whale & I'm only 22wks :-S
  • Sometimes you have to make a couple of pointed comments back to get Ms. Rude to STFU.
  • I'm sorry you have these rude, inconsiderate people around you. I get the total opposite, with people telling me I need to eat because I'm 22 weeks and have a mini bump. I've gained exactly the same amount that I did with my 1st. I just respond with "well its a good thing, right". Mind you though, I don't feel small at all. Just respond with "my baby is nice and healthy and thats all that matters."
  • Thanks for all ur kind words @oavalos06 and all the ladies, I also feel like I'm just whining and this is so insignificant compared to what others have to worry about. U know how men r scared to ask a woman if she's preg in the beginning just in case she's not? I wish women had the same fears about assuming another woman's due date based on her belly size. It's esp the twins thing that gets me. Don't u think I'd know if I was having twins!*?
    I am all belly and I do have a healthy baby and that is all that matters.
  • Aw I always get the people who say I don't look pregnant and here I feel like a whale! I get upset because they're basically saying I just look fat and I thought I looked pretty and pregnant ! I try to laugh it off and complain to my hubby later because I can't stop the comments I can only control my feelings when they happen. I hope everyone leaves you and all of us alone!!! I would love a perfectly round pregnant belly that's the perfect size but my body carry my babies the way it does and I think I'm beautiful when I am pregnant no matter what those jealous people say and I bet you're just as beautiful pregnant and glowing too!!!
  • People are saying the same things to me. I get asked constantly if I'm having twins or how I'm the size as other people or bigger when they were full term (I'm 32 weeks). I just shrug it off and don't let it bother me. I'm short 5'2, so its not like my belly has any room other than to go out. Don't let it get to you, just think about the fabulous prize that belly is holding!
  • Dnt feel bad its the same way wit me everyone says I'm big for 7mnths n to make matters worse theres a girl tht goes to my school her due date is 2days aftr mine and she looks about 2mnths
  • When I've had folks tell me how huge I've got I just reply with " Well thanks for stating the blindingly obvious! You're really sharp and on form today aren't you, Captain Obvious!? Maybe it's got something to do with the fact I'm only 5ft tall... baby has to go SOMEWHERE, so outwards it is!" *SMH*
  • My mil does this. Seriously, I'm big for me but I don't look very pregnant compared to other girls. Her husband even asked me if I was sure I had a baby in there lol. I'm showing a little bit, more on certain days for some reason but she insists on telling me I'm huge, ill be as big or bigger than so and so by the time I'm that far along and that over lost my shape so you can DEFINITELY tell I'm pregnant from behind! Oh and that I'm showing all over. Eben though my own cousins, who hadn't seen me in a year were like "you can't even tell you're pregnant unless you look at your belly!" So forget What ppl say. I know its hard to but they really don't mean to hurt your feelings. Maybe they forget how sensitive and unsexy we feel at times. But remember, you are a beautiful pregnant woman and that is amazing :) i would just laugh off their comments! Sorry this is so long!
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