to all the teen moms out there..

edited April 2011 in Teen moms
Every single one of you are amazing, beautiful, strong women. A lot of people who haven't experienced being a teen mom don't understand how hard and stressful it is for us. We are forced to grow up and mature faster than most because we have a little life depending on us. But we don't care, and we do It because we love our babies. (: I think I can safely say almost all of us have had a lot of drama with the babies dad, and a lot of them aren't around like we would want them to be, which hurts us but we are all strong enough to get through it. We deal with the hormones of being pregnant, plus the hormones of just being a teenager and are still strong. I think teen moms should be praised for stepping up and taking responsibility for their actions instead of being bashed for something They didn't mean to happen. But that's just my opinion. I love my pregly teen mommies. (:


  • I'm not a teen, but well said. I'm 27, 9weeks with baby #2, so if any of you need any help...feel free to message me. Good luck!!!
  • Well Said and thank you!! I am not a teen mom anymore but i was when i had my 1st son And i love him more then anything and would do anything for him just as i would my other 2
  • Very well said! Although I was out of high school, I was 19 when I got pregnant with my son. It was extremely stressful and too many people (family included) tried to make me think that having my baby was going to ruin my life. To all of you teen mom's dealing with the negativity: Don't believe any of it! You all can do it! Keep persuing your dreams and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Every life has a purpose and being able to bring one into this world is a blessing no matter the circumstances! This is only going to make you stronger! God bless and I'm praying for you all!
  • I'm a teen mom and would do anything in the world for my baby I'm currently going to school full time and working 20+ hours a week. I hate when people look down on us teen moms. Cause when so called "mature" moms have babies doesn't not mean that they will be a good mom. I admire every single teen mom that choose to sacrifice their adolescent years to keep their baby!! I wear a braclet that says mommy to be everyday, I am a proud mommy! I'm 18,16weeks & 5days pregnant :X
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  • @myas_momma thank you so much for saying that . im 19 and pregnant with second . that really touched my heart and it was so nice to hear somebody say that instead of putting teen moms down like how we always are . you really hightend my spirits and made me a little bit stronger . thank you so much . i really apperciate it .
  • Honestly people don't understand how hard we have it. I also am still attending school and working and I'm 39 weeks pregnant. Just because we are young, doesn't mean we can't do what older females do, and sometimes we can do it even better. I'm 16, and before I got pregnant it was the last thing I expected happening, but I Thank God every day for blessing me with this miracle. Honestly I' for all you ladies. (: life's hard as it is, we don't need to take crap from the negative people!
  • @Myas_Momma..aww thank you very much I started crying after reading this and my BD said what's wrong with you now! Lol I'm 19 so not very young but I do think I should get some credit for this lol:)
  • @hope 19 is still young and teenage years. (:
  • I'm 19 and 17 weeks pregnant with my first and hopefully last baby. I've been wanting to go to school, but life is complicated and I've decided to put it off for a year. Plus, I might actually have an idea of what I'd like to study :P My family is semi-supportive. They're happy I'm having a baby but they wish I'd waited longer. Whatever, I wanted a baby so I tried to have one with the man I love and 4 months of trying proved successful :) can't wait to see my baby on ultrasound in two weeks!
  • @VictoriaB I'm assuming you mean college when You say school? I too would put that off for a year! I'm still in high school which is why I'm finishing now, but doing it online so I can be with my baby girl. (: its good that you know what you want to do with your life and that you do plan on going to school. (: congratulations on finally getting pregnant and good luck momma. (:
  • Thank you and I will always be here for anyone else who needs to talk or needs support
  • Thanks! That means a lot. And yes, I did mean college. I graduated high school through college last year. I do want to go back, but I'd like an idea of what to study when I go back, so taking extra time off will be a good thing I think.
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  • @MarinesAngel thank you. That means a lot. (:
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  • hi im 19 and have just today found out im pregnant, iv been with my boyfriend 4years, im really scared and dont know what my mums going to say please has anyone been in this situation? x
  • @lauren2302
    just be open and honest with Your mom. I didn't tell my mom, and she found out when I started showing but she was a lot more mad that I didn't tell her instead of the fact that I'm pregnant. The sooner You tell her, the more she can help You, espically through the early stages. You know your mom more than anyone, so you should have some kind of idea if she will support you or not. 99% of the time moms are there for their daughters. Just sit down and have an open and honest conversation with her let her know your thoughts and feelings, and it should help that You are in a committed relationship with the dad.
  • I'm 18, married and pregnant with my second. I will walk in May, but went to the alternative high school and finished in November. My hubby works, and now I work full time. We are very lucky to have family support also. We are also both planning.g on starting college in the fall. Has it need easy? No. But I wouldn't trade my life for anything.
  • Thank u for this most ppl would down us teen mommies. I just love the post :)
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