I understand what your going through. I have had 3 miscarriages and am possibly going through another one. It is a heartbreaking experience but you will get through it. Give yourself time to heal and when your ready you can try again. Your little one is in the arms of God now.
I'm sorry if this seems rude, but what does the hcg levels mean? I knw wht hcg is, but is it bad if its low? /: I'm sorry for yu being upset though.. /: I'll pray for yu.
Hcg is the pregnancy hormone. Its supposed to double every 2 days and its a sign that the pregnancy is doing well. When your numbers drastically fall or start declining it usually means a miscarriage is happening.
Im sorry. But what are your symptoms so far? How far are you? I had a frown who had the same problem and hers went sow and up all the time. Keep having your blood work done to track your HCG levels and if no heavy bleeding accompanied with sharp cramp pains haven't happen? The doc can put you on some hormones medication to prevent a MC. Good luck hun and will pray for you and the baby. Keep your head up.
After the hcg level has dropped it doesn't go back up again. The only hormone the doctor can get give is progesterone and those are vaginal suppositories. Heavy bleeding and cramping are not the only signs 0f a miscarriage. I had 2 miscarriages without those symptoms. The doctor CANNOT give you hormones to prevent a miscarriage. There is no way to prevent a first trimester loss as it is usually caused by the baby being genetically abnormal.
I am so sorry. I have had 2 mc. So, i can appreciate what you're feeling. I conceived 2 months after my 2nd mc and am now 17 weeks and 4 days. (And its a girl!!) So, there is hope. If I'm not mistaken 25% of KNOWN pregnancies end in miscarriage. Just know, it isn't your fault! I am sending lots of baby dust your way and praying for you!!!!!
I had a mc and a month later am pregnant again and I'm 20 weeks and two days this is my second baby sometimes they just happen and there is nothin you can do about them