any answers?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
im 28 weeks pregnant and I do havean appt tomorrow and ill have them check me too but just thought I ask all u ladies. Will a outter yeast infection affect the baby? I just noticed it today but it bothers me so bad I wish I could take care of it today cause im sure some of u know how annoying it is!! But just didnt know how it affects baby.


  • Nah. I've had them before. They are even caused by the pregnancy sometimes. Dr will give you a script just like what you buy over the counter. No big deal.
  • It will only affect the baby if you have it during natural birth. You can use Monistat it's safe. I had one in the beginning too. It's common during pregnancy.
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  • Aww, hope you feel relief soon!!
  • I actually have my first ever now and my Dr just told me Monistat 7 is ok to use. She said the 1 night won't work. Good luck! Like I said, this is my first infection and it sucks!
  • Ya Ive had them in my other pregnancies along with uti but nit in this pregnancy yet. And have felt lucky till now just didnt know about baby. Thanks girls
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