new daddy

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
new to the whole pregnancy thing,so why dont you guys tell me what im getting myself into lol


  • edited April 2011
    There's a section called daddys place go there and talk to @firsttimedaddy since he's ALWAYS on here which is kinda weird lol
    and he can give some advice and remember thus app is full of pregnant women so be careful:p
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  • @Almost4 shhhhh don't give away all our secrets let's test him first LMAO :P
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  • edited April 2011
    @jazzydD hmm y is it weird. lol. i love this app. n this forum. im on here way more than I fb. n im leaning lots. n t hink its helping me b a good understanding bf during this pregnancy. all the moms here r great (: @jrob213 yuo man get ready for all those things. never blame her hormones. don't even say the word. even if u know thats y she is trippin even if she knows. lol remember she is always right (: @Almost4 im lovin my gf bien prego even w all the mentioned above too (:
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  • @Almost4 thanx. yay I feel welcomed (: ywa I know jersey momma n jersey daddy have alot to deal w. do u know if she is still pregnant or any more news. I havent heard from them in a few. im 26 n this baby will b my gf 4 child n my first baby
  • @firsttimedaddy is ur gf on here to?
  • @firstimedaddy well hope u didn't think I was mean cause I DO agree with @Almost4 about u being like team leader of the daddies
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  • @firsttimedaddy i think thats great that your girl isnt on here but you are... not that we dont wish she were here... jsut that you dont see many men trying to be apart of the pregnancy...

    and welcome @jrob213
  • @jazzydD thank u. im glad there is a space for us dads here (: @Almost4 oh ok thats good. yea its a tough situation. I was reading jersey momas posts since the beginning. n thanx. im glad u c that I try to b helpful. I know sometimes moms r not looking for advice from a guy but I try (: @jalem thank u kindly. um. I dont think u guys would want her here. right now that she is prego she has a problem in keeping unnecessary comments to her self. lol she is not mean. just blunt. im glad some ppl think im doin good. im just trying to do my best (:
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