gas?!? and sex?!? not together tho lol

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Weird question but does any one have like reallly bad gas while being preggo also tmi but it seems like my vagina is. Shrinking sex with my husband is really painful now and I'm pretty sure its not him but it could be idk is this normal at all?


  • edited April 2011
    I think my lil man likes to bounce on my bowels which is so not cool
    n I think the hormones r making the walls thicker so it seems tighter when u have sex
  • Lol YUP! I had sex with my husband last night and he was like "Dang girl you tight!" LOL

  • Thank god bec sex has been so painful lately he's like wtf is wrong it hurts so bad sometimes but I just bare thru it for him he jokes he's getting bigger because he's been working out....but its crazy
  • I have gas too! And I never really use to! I hate it!
  • I have gas too. My bd laughs at me cuz it gets bad. And yes sex hurts. Maybe it is cuz we don't do it as much, but I cramp up afterward. I stick it through 1 cuz it is supposed to help start labor (i am 39 weeks). And 2 cuz I feel bad cuz he takes care of me so well. He deserves it. I milk it afterward though lol. He is great he knows I will and still lets me. Lol.
  • Haha yall are cracking me up!! Same here I'm worried about letting one slip while were having sex.its a very awkward feeling lol and yea sex is almost unbearable now I've gotten so tight,hubby loves it,but I don't always... :
  • Omg thank god you guys agree with me lol I'm only 4 weeks 1 day late but still no bfp but I'm pretty sure I am idk I'm so scared to be fooling myself but my niples are twice their size kinda tingling and like I said I have bad gas and sex hurts everytime...some sick feelings here and ther but idk
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  • Holy crap I can barly get thru it once a day let alone 4 times a day no wonder your pregnant lol jkjk that was a joke please don't take it searous like a lot of ppl do on here....well still no bfp but still waiting...
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