what makes you high risk? how do you cope with it?

I have a long list of things that make ne nervous & few that I think my drs should consider more when it comes to prenatal care. But starting from pregnancy number one I'll tell you about the problems. Pregnancy number one, the day after my first ob appointment, I blead, heavily. To me it was like a period, first seriously scary moment of my life. I was rushed to the hospital by ambulance, where the drs could find no reason for the bleeding but could also find nothing wrong with the baby so I was discharged. This happened once again just a couple of weeks before I gave birth, but the drs just suggested that this time was the mucous plug expelling itself. October 22nd, 2006 3days before my duedate I gave birth to my first child, a baby boy named Aiden. I was a mommy for 7months before sids [sudden infant death syndrome] took him away from me. Although it wasn't a problem with the pregnancy, this makes me very nervous because I knew from that day on how short lived life could be, anything could happen. Pregnancy number two, all was going well, except for the anemia I developed during pregnancy. Nothing serious, I just had to take a iron supplement besides my every day prenatal. 30weeks gestation rolled around fast, then I started having preterm contractions. I was given some sort of medicine to stop the contractions, monitored for a few more hrs & sent home because I had not dilated at all. Within another week or two I was back in with the same problem, so I was given a shot to boost development of my babys lungs as a precautionary of possible preterm labor, & sent home with an everyday pill to maintain contractions as long as possible. May 12th, 2008 2weeks before my duedate, I gave birth to my second child, a baby boy named Alexander. All looked normal during the hospital stay besides the fact that he was having trouble keeping formula down by day two, & hadn't had a bowel movement yet. At 4am a dr comes into my room to let me know that I would be discharged that morning, but my son needed to be transferred to Childrens hospital where he will need surgery to correct a defect called imperforate anus. He had his first surgery when he was just three days old, & two more surgeries after that finishing when he was about six months old. On top of the imperforate anus, he also has kidney reflux, which for now we maintain with an antibiotic until a dr decides the antibiotic is doing no good & he may or may not need another surgery to correct that. Pregnancy number 3, my drs did not seem to be too concerned about my previous preterm contractions & offered me an extra sono to check for defect in my baby. All appears to be going well in the beginning though, until halfway through when I bled a few times. Now, I always told my drs when I felt like something wasn't going right, this was obviously my third pregnancy I should have known what it's like by now, but my drs still hadn't had much concern until I started measuring small & my belly dropped around 32weeks. So, as a precautionary they sent me for some ultrasounds to make sure my baby was still growing, & to make sure my fluid still looked good, & even checked out my cervix somehow. After a week of constant cramping, I went to my 36week check up 2cm dialated & counting. 2hours after my appointment I was admitted to the hospital in preterm labor. May 19th, 2010 I gave bitch to a small but healthy baby boy named Kelly. I am now on pregnancy number four, my dr is not concerned with my preterm labors, but has me high risk because of my son born with defect. Although she referred me to a genetic counselor, which I'm not sure how often I will see, she does not seem concerned to see me a little more frequently. I will visit my dr every 6weeks until I am 28weeks gestation, & that makes me nervous. I've had a lot go on with my babies, I just want to know that they are doing well. Why do my drs not seem as concerned as I am?


  • O I'm so sorry but I can't really help I'm a lil higher risk cuz I had 2 miscarriages but they aren't too concerned either cuz I guess there's nothin u can really do so I guess that's y they rnt to worried about u but sorry im not much help but best of luck with this pregnancy hopefully it turns out better
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