7month baby

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Well I have a 7month baby and when it comes up to him goin to sleep at 10 he crys and crys I try giving him to eat I change his diper I give him bottle I sing to him nt sure what else to do any other ladies with babys that cant sleep?


  • My now 3 year old was the same way. I finally had to make the decision to let her cry it out. It took about 2 weeks of her crying for an hour or so a night, but in the end it was worth it. She's know a happy and healthy 3 year old who has no problem sleeping at night.
  • O that's good the only problem I have is that he doesn't want to sleep when it s time for bed bt he sleeps through the whole night
  • Maybe you could try pushing your nightly routine earlier but put him to bed at the same time. So do his feeding, bath and diaper change an hour or so earlier. Maybe he'll settle down and you can get him on a new schedule?
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