Due december 23rd

Haven't tested yet but, I'm showing some early symptoms. Anyone else due around christmas too [:


  • I wld b due Dec 23rd if I get a pos nxt wk
  • @purple89 have you had any symptoms lately...baby dust to you :)
  • Same 2 u. Just very tired. & cramps here & there during intercourse & right now ha. Hbu?
  • Im with you. My af us due the 11 the.. waiting sucks!! Hope we all get bfp!!
  • Well girls don't test early as will be neg I went to docs last Monday and test was neg but was testing through blood test the Friday to make sure I wasn't but I thought I'd just do a test at home and it came up 2 to 3 weeks preg due on 7th Dec I'm 5 weeks today so excited would love my son to have a lil neo or SIS to play wiv lol x good luck getting result you want x :p
  • I havent tested yet but im pretty sure im pregnant. Im having all da signs and symptoms. I would b due on dec 21 if I test positive. Im excited to find out tho
  • According to pregly I will be due the 24th if I get a positive.
  • I tested a week b4 my next cycle was due & it was positive... I've been to the Dr & my due date is Dec 9th :)
  • I Would be due the 20th. AF is due the 12th. I'm getting nervous!
  • So far no period and according to pregly im due dec.16, making me 4wks and 2d with my first child.
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