New and need Help!

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Hi there,

I'm 41 years old 6w4d preg, first baby high level of platelets in my blood, my doc put me on clexane once a day for two weeks. she said this is uncommon most women will have low level of plateltes during prenancy but not the other way around and she doesn't know what causes it, i'm worried so much since i'm too old and its my first baby. is anyone out there with this kind of issue? please help.


  • I'm sorry. I'm not in that situation but you aren't old. Did your Dr explain how it can affect the pregnancy
  • I believe God doesn't make mistakes and you are not old. Many women in their 40s are having children. I don't know much about high platelets but I'm sure things will be fine. Just follow the docs orders. Congrats and God Bless.
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