5 days to go!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Now I'm scared, nervous and excited! Any time soon I can go into labour! I'm actually gonna give birth.. oh my!


  • It will be a beautiful experience. You will do great.
  • Oooh exciting! I am 15days away and getting super nervous because I know it could be anytime. I am so nervous and scared with going through labor and what that's going to be like (can you tell it's my first?) Haha
  • Lol yeah, same here! I'm so scared. It's going Into the unknown that's the worst. I've been having strong braxton hicks and dreading what the real things gonna be like. Good luck to u anyway :)
  • Haha @insanepreggochick I know what you mean about never wanting pain so bad. I can't wait until I have some painful contractions going on, I am asking him to come out but of course the defiance starts early. Haha!
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