always being judged!!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I am 18 turning 19 in august. And everywhere I go people seem to be judging me and my life choices. Its frustrating and it makes me want to just keep to myself! I have been best friends with my baby's daddy for over 4 years and we have been dating for a little over 3. We got married on febuary 9th only for financial purposes (he's a marine and gets a larger paycheck when he's married) no one knows we are already married, we are keeping it a secret because our big fun expensive wedding in june 7th 2011. When people hear im getting married they're first response is "how old are you!?" "You are way too young!" And when they hear im pregnant they really want to give a speech. It makes me upset. Why can't I just be accepted!? Any advice?


  • Heard a good quote from RuPaul today: "Other people's opinions of me is none of my business." I think that's a pretty good way to look at the world. Hope everything works out for you! ;;)
  • Never goes away. I guess a little better as I got older. But key is how you handle it. I had to learn to not take things so personal and always be confident don't give a bleep what anyone thinks or says anymore!
  • Don't worry about other people sweetie and Congrats!! I got married at the same age as u and would not change anything for the world, and I have realized that half the people who wanted to run their mouth anyway was jealous. All I can say is kindly just ignore their comments and the ones who really care about you will be happy for u :* good luck girl!
  • @blueberrymom love the quote and now I want bluberries lol ......

    @raina_nicole there is always going to be people in your life that is going to bash the things u do and u know what SCREW THEM!!!! :-)
  • @raina_nicole To me, the type of people that have nothing but negative things to say only do so because they're unhappy with their life, and somehow it makes them feel better to "think" someone's life is "worse" than theirs. Just tell 'em to kick rocks and shut their pie hole lol.

    Keep your head up, it sounds like you're doing nothing wrong. :)
  • I say screw em I went through the same thing a quickie marriage to a navy guy at 19 and then got my real wedding later I heard so much bs about my age and the military I just cut those ppl outta my life my life has turned out amazing and my marriage is fantastic just ignore it someone always will have something negative to say and you won't be able to change that
  • I am 19 engaged and pregnant and boy do ppl judge but um is this your life no? Thankyou and keep on your way
  • Thank you all so much! I've never gotten so much positives feed back! I really appreciate the support!! And I wont take what people say to heart anymore. Im happy with, y life and that's all that matters! And I really love that quote I think my life will be alot less drama living by it!
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