anyone else past 18wks and still dont feel the baby moving?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Omg! On the ultrasound she's like a acrobat. She's always swimming and is so uncooperative. The lady was trying to get a face shot for 5 mins, but she wouldn't turn over!!!! Bad butt already not listening. But its weird because I can't feel her kicks but I saw when she kicked me on the ultrasound. She also had the hiccups! I just want to be able to feel her moving already. If I push down on certain spots I can figure out where she is cuz I feel the pulse.


  • Thats yur pulse hun lol . The baby is way to tiny to feel a pulse . & yu will in time im 17 wks and I feel my baby noww .
  • I actually feel it under me bellybutton which is where she rest and the dr said I was right cuz b4 she even started the ultrasound I showed her where to go. But I'm almost 20 wks and she said everything was ok. Its just frustrating
  • Im having the same issue! So im not alone lol im 20 weeks today and only feel him once and a while. But just like you I saw him go crazy on the ultrasound and didn't feel a thing??
  • Aww I make 20 wks tomor. But I'm really petite. Starting weight was 97; now I'm 125. Its just annoying. I wnt to feel her. She was fighting the ultrasound lady like how dare you disturb my sleep!!! And she was sleeping like her daddy, arm over face
  • And omg we have the same due date. I keep thinkin that its till Jan. My due date is June 21
  • I didnt feel him move till 21 weeks. Im now 26 weeks and feel him alot more now you can see him kick if you watch my tummy lol. Its amazing :)
  • Im actually due the 23rd but close enough lol! And I know how you feel its very frustrating! Because he was moving like crazy and gave the u/s lady a hard time too!! But I didn't feel it
  • I'm 19 weeks my first Baby Idk If I feel a kick or not I'm not sure on what to feel for
  • They said its like being poked. But iono
  • I wass feeling the baby I litle but I realize that wass the move at 24 weeks when I ask the doctor how it maybe u feel the baby but u dont know cause the firts time is wear...and so short times.good luck
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