
edited April 2011 in Health
I spent the whole day in the E.R. to find out my baby stopped growing at 9 weeks...(Im supposed to be 16 weeks today)....Me & my hubby are so devastated & heart broken.!! Dr said I'm having a miscarriage, just wondering what I can expect & when we can ttc again..


  • I'm so sorry to hear that I went into labor with my first a little girl at 22 weeks and gave birth to her she lived for an hour and 47 minutes and we had a funeral for her it was the hardest thing to go thru losing my first baby and my friend was pregnant due the sametime when I was just trust that it does get easier with time and ill pray that when ur ready to ttc again that this baby will be born healthy and happy goodluck and I am so sorry for ur lose
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. I'll pray for you that God & time will bring you healing...
  • edited April 2011
    @MommTooBee I am so sorry sweetheart! I miscarried last year and it took us another 6 months, my doctor told me to wait three cycles. It will happen again soon, my doctor reminded me that I was pregnant and at least I could get pregnant so it will happen again :) if you want to talk or have other questions I am here for you
  • Hang in there girl. No one can do anything to help w the pain ur feeling. Just cry! I had a mc and it was the worate thing i had ever went threw. Time helps. When u get preg again it will help but u lost a baby u loved and just thank god for letting u love that baby for the time u got w him or her. Praying for u. Ttc again when u feel ready. It will happen.
  • I lost one last year... Thought I was 12 weeks and baby stopped growing at 8. A year later and im 16 weeks pregnant. It will happen again. Im sorry u have to go through that pain....
  • I'm so sorry for the pain you both are in!
  • I'm so sorry for ur lost were u goin to the doctor how come they didn't hear a heartbeat
  • Aw girl! I've never had a m/c but my mom had 4. In fact, the Dr told her that she could never have kids. She tried every test and was in the air force and even shipped to Turkey to try an exam. I was a twin and the other died and they don't know why. GOD made it so my mom had children (4 of us) :) . At 20, MY Dr told me I couldn't have children. I went to God and prayed. I didnt want kids at the time but at some point I did. Now at almost 23, I'm preg with my first and am 22 wks 5 days. God is amazing and I'm just saying that if He can do it for ME (I've messed up bad in the past n so glad we don't get what we deserve), He will do it for you. You are in my prayers. God never said our trials would be easy .. but He did say He will get us through it. You have six ppl praying for you in my family not to mention all the other ladies that love you on here. >:D<
  • @mommtoobee so sorry for your loss hun =( I had the same thing happen to me last Monday. I went in for a 12 week appt and they didnt find a heartbeat. They said the baby passed around 9+5. They gave me the option to let it pass naturally or have a D&C. I went with the D&C because I knew it would be easier emotionally on me. This would have been my first. My hubby and I were devestated! They told us we could start trying again in 3 months, but I think we are going to start trying again after I get my first cycle back. Just stay positive and keep your head up. God has a plan for us!
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